10 | Welcome To The Family

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The look on Val's face is scary, I would not want to be Victoria right now

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The look on Val's face is scary, I would not want to be Victoria right now. She looks like she's about to shit her fucking panties, I know I would be if I was in her position. She made the mistake of bringing up Messiah's name, how she even knows of him baffles me but she's asking for it. Especially since Val's already going through a tough time concerning him, she ain't going to let this slide.

I glance at Felix and he's glaring at Victoria, his fists clenching and unclenching on his lap. Val is playing with the knife in her hand, smirking at the poor girl. Looking back at Victoria again, she does look familiar.

"I think I've seen you around before." I note, narrowing my eyes at her.

"I thought so too." Val mutters.

My eyes wonder over her face again, trying to place where I've seen this bitch before and thinking back to our time in Chicago when we were living with Carlos. When it finally clicks and my eyes widen. In realisation, "oh shit Val, you remember Hayden Lopez? Didn't he have a twin sister?"

Victoria tenses in her seat, Val let's out a loud laugh startling us all, "no fucking way, you're Hayden's sister? Did he send you here? Does he know you're here?"

Victoria smirks knowingly, "of course, I didn't even like Roman. I was only using him to get me here, for some reason my brother is in love with you and you broke his heart. He told me not to do anything stupid, I said I was only going to talk. I think I've changed my mind though, sitting here now."

"What do you mean Hayden is in love with me?" Val scoffs, "we only slept together a couple of times, there's no way he's in love with me."

"Well for some reason he is, you're not even that special. We know all about you Valentina, we've been watching for a while now. Poor little Val and her missing boyfriend." Victoria gasps dramatically.

"What do you know about him?" I ask, leaning forward with my arms crossing.

"Not much, just that he's been taken by some mafia. I won't lie though, he is hot. I don't know how you get all these guys, your pussy must be magic or some —" Victoria doesn't finish her sentence, there's a knife lodged in her neck. Her eyes wide in surprise, her hands fly up to the knife and she gags on her blood.

Valentina stands up and walks around the table behind Victoria with a smile, leaning down she gets close to her, "never talk about my man again, don't worry babe, you'll see your brother soon."

Val pulls the knife out and slits Victoria's throat, blood squirting out all over the dining table, "well dinner is ruined now thanks to this bitch, I'm just glad Willow or Embry didn't witness this shit," Val mutters wiping the knife on her dress.

Felix chuckles in his seat before pulling out his phone, most likely contacting some men to come clean up the mess. Val walks back to her seat and sits down, using the same knife she used and cutting into her steak.

Sick bitch, but it's why I love her.

"I hope you got all the blood of that before you put it in your mouth love," I chuckle, shaking my head at her antics.

"Of course, not a drop. Although I probably should have sanitised it but... fuck it." She shrugs and continues to eat, "I do like my steak bloody —" she cackles, "get it? Bloody."

"You realise you have a problem with Hayden now? If he finds out you've killed his twin, he'll come after you." I remind her.

"Who is this guy anyway?" Felix mumbles, as two men walk in to the room and start taking away the body.

"Literally just someone who I met at Viper one night after a fight, we went out and ended up sleeping together. Uh, a few times actually." Val explains.

"Why is it you always have psycho men after you?" Felix voices.

"No clue, maybe my pussy is magic." She snickers.

"We should go see where everyone else is, I don't think anyone is going to eat after all that. Come on love, we still have to get to know Willow and Embry."

We both stand up and Val asks Felix to run checks on Embry and he agrees, we leave the room and meet everyone in the living area. As soon as Val walks in Willow gasps, staring wide eyed. Willow runs over and checks Val over for injuries I'm assuming, everyone in the room likes amused by this except Embry who looks a bit terrified.

"You're not bleeding." Willow whispers, standing back running her eyes over Val again.

Val waves her off, "not my blood, Victoria won't be joining us — ever again."

"You killed her?" A small voice whispers, we all glance at Embry's horrified face.

"Word of advice Embry —" I start, walking over to Andrè, "don't piss Valentina off, especially when it comes to people she loves." I wink at her.

She looks up at Dom who's sitting beside her, who's staring a Val with a proud smile, Embry looks back at Val and gulps, "uh Dom, can you walk me out please?" Dom grunts but nods and stands up nonetheless, he walks out of the room and Embry quickly follows.

"Nice to meet you Embry!" Val shouts to her retreating back, "well that couldn't have gone any better." She walks over to Rome and slaps him on the back of his head, "did you know who she was?"

Rome rubs the now sore spot, "fuck Val, no I didn't. We had only been together a week, I knew we weren't going to last but you wanted to meet her and now that I think about she was pretty adamant about meeting you."

"No shit." Val grumbles, sitting next to him.

Dom walks back in the room and sits beside Val, "well you scared my girlfriend, she broke up with me saying something about not wanting to die and that we're all fucking crazy."

I burst out laughing and Val joins in, "I hope we haven't scared you Willow, welcome to the family!" I exclaim.

Willow looks between Val and I before bursting out laughing as well, Luc frowns at her looking at the three of us like we've lost our god damn minds.

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