41 | Cheers

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The first person to stand up is Ares, he's sixteen but it's like he's had to grow up and become an adult way too soon

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The first person to stand up is Ares, he's sixteen but it's like he's had to grow up and become an adult way too soon. He carries himself as if he were a man, he probably had to.

He regards the room before clearing his throat, "you may know our family as the Murphy's who run the Irish Mob —" he begins, a few of us tense at the information, "we're not involved with the mob that our family runs but six years ago our uncle slaughtered our mother and father, claiming their title."

He looks at Val who nods for him to continue, "he then killed all our uncles and aunties who would pose a threat to his position, us children were too young to understand what was happening. In a way, we were trapped and scared for our lives, yet he treated us like animals. He would look us up in cages and feed us scraps," he swallows hard before taking a sip of water.

"It was like that for two years, a lot of our cousins had died due to illnesses or starvation, in the end, it was just myself, Orla, and Shay still alive. One night he came to the basement where he was keeping us —" I notice a few people are visibly sick, some even have ushered tears, "he told me he was getting rid of us, he had a contact that was willing to buy us three from him but I refused, he beat the shit out of that night while my sister was crying in the corner and my cousin was curled up in a ball."

He looks down at them, tears springing to his eyes, "he got his men to remove us from our cages, they restrained and blindfolded us. We were escorted to a van, we finally made it to a building where they shoved us in with other kids around our ages," he sniffs, "that was the night I met Galen Andino and Carter Lopez, they were running the entire thing."

My gaze swings in Milos's direction, his hand that holds his fork is gripping so hard it's turning white. His sister carefully removes the fork before intertwining their hands together, helping him calm down a little.

Cian continues his story, "that was also the night we met Valentina —" he smiles down at her, she winks, "she was amongst us kids who were up for auction and we just thought she was another helpless kid but we were wrong about that on so many levels," he laughs, wiping his face.

Shay speaks up, "they had all of us kids congregated in one massive room, Valentina was going around assuring all of us that no one was going to hurt us now that she's here. We didn't believe or understand what she meant."

Orla giggles, "but for some reason, she was mostly drawn to us three and kept coming back to us and reassuring us."

"It was the fiery red hair," Val laughs, the rest of the room joining in on the joke and laughing.

"Whatever it was, she told us to stay together and we did, she never left our side. She always reminded us she had friends who were coming to help take down the ring on the outside, she said they'll come and rescue us. We held on to hope for four days, on the fifth, her friends finally came and they rescued every single kid who was there," Cian continues to explain.

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