23 | Trust

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Watching Val protecting my brother is a bit weird considering their history but I think she understands that he's here to help not fuck us over, which I'm glad for

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Watching Val protecting my brother is a bit weird considering their history but I think she understands that he's here to help not fuck us over, which I'm glad for. Looking at her now though in front of me is serial, I can't help but admire everything about her and drink her in.

I didn't lie when I told her I missed her, I did miss the fuck out of her. I can't wait for some alone time together so we can talk but right now with everything going on I'm not sure it'll be happening anytime soon.

"MESSIAH!" Small voice squeals and two little bodies jump on me and hug the life out of me.

Gianni and Levi are looking at me with wide eyes with the biggest grins on their faces, I notice a missing front tooth on Levi and chuckle. I missed these two so much.

'You're back for good?' Gianni signs.

'I'm home for good.' I sign, ruffling his hair making him pout.

"Sissy was so sad when you weren't here Mezzy, she made us sad," Levi whispers, clinging to my shirt.

Looking up to Val, I see her looking at us smiling but it doesn't quite reach her eyes making me frown. I know I hurt her but I didn't see how much, fuck I'm an idiot. She walks away and runs upstairs, I get up to follow her but Nate shakes his head at me signing, 'just give her a minute.'

"We're glad your home," Levi says and signs at the same time, Gianni nodding along.

"Okay kids, let's go get some snacks!" Val's aunt says, rounding the two boys up.

Looking around the room I notice two people aren't here, I look at Nate again before signing, 'where's Felix and Xavier?'

'I don't know where Felix is but Xavier is in the kitchen.' He signs then shrugs.

Val comes back in the room, "Milos I've set up a room for you, I'll show you where it is."

Milos tenses beside me before getting up, he follows her out of the room. I stand up and follow after them, walking up the stairs I spot Felix coming out of his room. Val and Milos walk past him and I stop near Felix who looks at me with a frown, 'we need to talk.' I sign.

He nods and opens his bedroom door and I walk in after him, he closes the door before facing me. He lets out a sigh, I grab my phone and open the message that was sent to me with the photos of him and Val. I don't think he'll go after my girl but I need to get this shit sorted in case he is after her, I don't think he's stupid though.

Tossing him the phone, he looks at it and I see a frown on his face before his eyes snap up to me, "what the fuck is this?"

'You tell me.'

"Fuck sake Messiah, talk to me. We've been best friends for years, you've talked to me before."

"Fine — I just want to know, are you and Val a thing?" I question out loud.

"No of course not, you fucked with her heart brother. I had to sit here and watch her break, I had to help put the pieces back together. I love her, I do but not like that."

Thank fuck for that.

"You're lucky I'm not beating the shit out of you right now, I don't think you truly understand how much she suffered especially after seeing you and you walking away from her." He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I know, I know. I fucked up that night but I had no choice, I had to do what I had to do. I was protecting her, I will never walk away from her again." I promise, my voice cracking a little.

"You better not, I am surprised that you would think I would make a move on her anyway. I'm not like that, I thought you trusted me."

"I do, the photos have just been bugging me. There's also Xavier as well that I need to talk to."

Felix tilts his head smirking, "I'm pretty sure he should have been the person you were talking to and not me, I think he's in love with her. He hasn't made a move, she's oblivious though — her heart is only for you."

"He's in love with her?" I grumble, rubbing a hand down my face.

I need to have a chat with him, I understand what it's like to be in love with her but there's no way I'm ever letting her go again. I'm glad she hasn't reciprocated the same feelings for him, I'm glad he hasn't made a move either. It doesn't mean he won't though, so that chat needs to come soon.

"I think so, he just has that look you know —" he says, I shake my head not knowing what look he's talking about, "it's pretty much the way you look at her." He explains.

I curse and start to pace a little, I can't very well kill him because Val will kill me. Maybe just a friendly warning or something, I can beat him or cut him but then if Val finds out she may hate me.

"Dude chill, just have a chat with him." He shrugs.

"Yeah," I mumble, halting my pacing.

"I am glad you're back brother, it hasn't been the same without you. There's so much I have to tell you, not tonight though. I'm sure you want to be with Val right now." He smiles.

Smiling back, "you've got that right, we'll catch up."

He nods, I walk up to him and hug him. Letting go, I open the door and walk out, and head towards mine and Val's room. I seriously need a shower, opening our bedroom door I walk in and notice we now have a new bed and some new furniture.

"She had a breakdown and destroyed the room," Felix says, from behind me. I turn around to reply but he's already gone.

I did break her fucking heart, I just hope she can forgive me. I will never break her heart again, I will do whatever it takes to make it up to her.

Closing the bedroom door, I head into our closet and see all my clothes still there. Nothing has been moved or touched, everything is where I left it before I was taken. I grab some sweat pants and head to the bathroom to have a quick shower, after I'm done I dry myself off and throw on my sweats.

Turning off the light to the bathroom I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel, I hear a low whistle and I freeze.

My jaw drops and my eyes go wide, Valentina is laying on the bed naked as the day she was born. My throat goes dry and I blink a couple of times, praying this isn't a dream and that this is real.

"Fuck me," I murmur.

"Oh trust me, I will." She winks.

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