25 | Fun

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Arms tighten around my waist and my eyes snap open, blinking through my haze I remember last night

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Arms tighten around my waist and my eyes snap open, blinking through my haze I remember last night. Mez is back, he's home with me again. He kisses my shoulder and I let out a little sigh, a smile spreading across my face. Turning around his arms, I peer up at him and he's already looking at me.

"Good morning Amore," he whispers, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Morning," I mumble, kissing his jaw. A smile spread across his face, matching mine.

A loud knock startles me, "Val, I'm sorry I waited as long as I could. It's eleven in the morning, your brother wants a meeting in the conference room." Felix says through the door.

I squeeze my eyes shut, groaning. I couldn't just have one day, one day not having to worry about anything else. I just want to lay here all day in Mez's arms, yet that won't happen unless I deal with all this other bullshit.

Opening my eyes again, Mez is still looking at me with a soft expression, "we should get up and get this over with, soon we'll be able to sleep in or spend the whole day in bed. I promise."

"I know, I just wanted to be selfish for one day," I say, sighing.

"I know baby." He says, kissing my forehead and getting up and stretching.

I reluctantly get up out of bed and make my way over to our closet and get ready for the day, Mez following close behind doing the same.

Once I'm changed I head to the door and open it, Felix is standing there with a huge grin on his face. Rolling my eyes I flip him off, walking in the direction of the stairs, and his laugh echoes in the hallway. I peer back over my shoulder, Mez has not joined him and they're whispering to each other, since when did he start talking to Felix I wonder?

I mean, I'm glad he's finally finding his voice and I'm glad it's with Felix. I just hope he starts talking around everyone else soon, I know it's not easy going through a traumatic experience through to the point that you become a selective mute. He's around family and friends though, so I hope he gets comfortable with everyone soon — enough to open up.

Entering the conference room, conversations halt and I take a seat next to Xavier who mumbles a morning and I smile in return. His gaze drifts to the door and he tenses making me frown, following his gaze Mez is walking in with Felix. Looking back at Xavier, his eyes dart around the room and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

I nudge him, "Are you okay?" I whisper.

"Yeah, I'm good." He whispers, not looking at me.

"Great, now that we're all here we should probably start," Luc says, looking around the table.

I glance around the table and notice someone is missing, "we're missing someone." I inform him.

"No, I don't think we are." Luc quickly says.

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