34 | Big Brother

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Well, I think it's safe to say that my brother was not happy, as soon as Willow explained everything my brother had flipped his shit

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Well, I think it's safe to say that my brother was not happy, as soon as Willow explained everything my brother had flipped his shit. He swiped everything off the desk and ordered everyone out of the room.

No one protested except Willow but I shook my head at her and steered her out the door, she may not be breathing if I left her in there.

Luciano believed he loved her, he believed that child was his. I could see he was ready to become a dad and he was proud, she just ripped that from him in ten seconds.

I escorted her out of the mansion with Rafael who is dropping her off at a safe house I own. There are files and papers for her there to start a new life, I hope she takes it.

I'm currently waiting in Milos's room, I need to talk to him about something that's been on my mind. I know he truly does see what his father truly is and that's a monster, now I need to know why the change.

He had me tied up at one point, beating the shit out of me, and now here we are - under the same roof.

His bedroom door opens and he walks in, looks like has been to the gym if the workout clothes are anything to go by.

When he turns and faces me, his head lifts and our eyes clash and he freezes, "fucking hell woman, you scared me." He breathes out, shoulders slumping.

"Sorry, I wanted to talk." I shrug, maybe he should be more aware of his surroundings.

"In my room?" He raises a brow, walking towards his bathroom.

"It's a big fucking mansion, I knew you'd have to come back here eventually," I shrug, "I'm lazy, sue me."

He laughs, "fair enough, what did you want to talk about?" Walking back into the room changed into sweats and a shirt.

"Why are you all of sudden helping us? Why do you suddenly want your father out of the way?" I ask, sitting up straighter on his bed.

"Straight to the point, that's what I admire about you Val. Honestly, I've always known who my father was but was just too scared to take him out. He sold my sister when we were little, who the fuck does that to their child?" He seethes.

"Someone who doesn't have a fucking heart."

"Exactly. He needs to be taken out and I realize that now, finding Messiah is a bonus in all this. When I lost my sister, a part of me died too. I was lonely, finding out I have a half brother and can have a great relationship with him was the icing on the cake." He walks over and sits next to me on the bed, looking down at his feet.

"You were skeptical though weren't you?"

"Yeah I was worried Messiah would want to take over the mafia, sounds stupid really but I've worked hard for this position. The shit I've done, the shit I've lost, the shit I've had to go through. I didn't want it to mean nothing if some other person just came along and took that from me, it would hurt."

I honestly don't think Messiah wants anything to do with the Greek Mafia, I think he wants the same thing as Milos — family.

I think Messiah is happy being here with all of us, I don't think he'd leave to take over the mafia, no.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your sister Milos, she was purely innocent. How do you know she's died though?" I ask, purely out of curiosity.

I wasn't aware that there was even a daughter, everyone knew about Milos though being the heir and all. I'm not surprised no one knew of her existence now if what Milos saying is true and their father sold her in the trafficking ring.

"Father told me, he heard a word from the person who bought her." He answers, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Okay." I let it go for now if there's a possibility that Messiah has a half-sister out there who is still alive. I'll be damned sure that she's dead and not out there suffering, we at least owe her that — peace.

— P E C C A T R I C I —

I've left Milos behind in his room and I'm heading towards Luc's room, I want to check up on him and make sure my big brother is okay. I'm sure hearing the love of your life tell you that she wasn't in love with you is tough to hear. Then being told the baby is yours, yeah I'm sure my brother is all sorts of fucked up right now.

The lights coming from under his door but I don't hear anything, it's completely silent. Should I knock? Nah fuck it, I walk in.

Please don't be naked. Please don't be naked.
I pray.

Opening the door I find my big brother sitting on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand, his head slumped down and I can see tears falling from his face.

I softly close the door behind me, not to startle him. Making my way of quiet feet, I slip on the couch next to him and wrap my arms around him. He tenses before relaxing and letting out a breath, I grab the glass of whiskey from his hand and place it on the side table.

Hugging him again, I bring him down to his head is laying on my lap. He goes without a fight, a sob coming out of him. I run my fingers through him hear, whispering soothing words of comfort.

Trying to be there for my fearless brother who has done so fucking much for this family, I don't think anyone other than father understands what Luciano fucking Rossi has done for this family.

But I know, I followed him every step of the way in the shadows.

  A/N — The lullaby is above, play the song now.

The night I came to his room when I had nightmares come back to mind, he let me in his bed and comforted me. He even sang our nursery song that mother use to sing to us, my eyes begin to water.

I open my mouth and begin to sing the lullaby, the words coming to me easily.

'A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea
A la nanita nana nanita ella'

"Don't worry Luciano, you're an amazing man. There is someone out there for you, I promise big brother your time will come." I whisper, kissing his head.

A/N — Hi all, thought I'd pay homage to the first book in the series where Luciano sings this song to Valentina. It was a cute moment and thought it would adorable if she did it in return.


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