15 | No Way

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Someone snoring loudly behind me wakes me up, shifting a little I look down and see someone's arm wrapped around me

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Someone snoring loudly behind me wakes me up, shifting a little I look down and see someone's arm wrapped around me. Gently moving the arm I turn around and find Nate peacefully sleeping, sitting up a sharp pain shoots through my head.

Fucking hell, I'm never drinking again.

Don't lie to yourself Val.

Fuck you inner thoughts.

Sluggishly getting out of bed I find bottled water and some aspirin on the side table, thank the goddesses. Tossing the pills back and gulping down the water, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand glancing back at Nate who's still passed out.

I need to talk to Felix today and the Petrov's again about everything, I know who killed Felix's family and I need to know what else happened in Russia. I got the jest last night but I was pretty fucking drunk and everyone was pissing me off, I was at the angry drunk stage I guess.

Putting the water back, I slide back into bed and lay back down, and stare at Nate's face. Slyly poking his cheek, he stirs a little and absentmindedly slaps my hand away making me smirk.

"Fuck off," Nate grumbles, his nose all scrunched up and cute.

"You're in my bed sweet cheeks, you fuck off." I chuckle.

His eyes snap open and he stares at me blankly before blinking like a mad man, he sighs before he lays on his back stretching, "how do you feel love?"

"Eh, could be better."

"I thought you were going to kill Dimitri last night," Nate admits.

Ignoring his statement because I would never hurt him, I change the subject, "you know how Hayden and I were getting together right? Well, do you remember his dad?"

Nate tenses before he lays back on his side, frowning at me, "yeah Carter Lopez right? He's in Mexican Cartel, why?"

"He killed Felix's family, why? I don't know and I don't care but I'm going to help Felix kill him. The only problem with that is, well the obvious — he's in the fucking cartel and is a big fucking deal."

"Fuck sake, we should have our own god damn reality tv show with the amount of drama in our lives Val. This takes the cake though, it's not going to be easy." Nate warns.

"I know," sighing, I close my eyes, "Felix needs this though to fully move on and find peace, I'm going to help give him that no matter what."

"I agree, how do you it was Carter that killed them though?" Nate cautiously asks.

"I read over Felix's statement and he described the perpetrator in great detail, he drew the tattoo on a napkin last night and it's the same as Carter's and I know it's him. I've met him multiple times when I was with Hayden, I've seen it up close and personal — no one else has it."

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