39 | Smithereens

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Val struts into the living area where all of us are, sitting around and talking

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Val struts into the living area where all of us are, sitting around and talking. Mez and Milos are behind her then two more bodies follow and I realize it's Killian who's behind her.

"Get the fuck out, you're still alive?" I chuckle, getting up off the sofa and walking over to hug him whilst he chuckles.

Everyone in the room is silent watching this exchange, we've known Killian but he goes by Zeus now since Val saved him five years ago. He lived with us for a while and got trained by her before she sent him on his way to get revenge.

"Sweet cheeks, this is Athena!" Val exclaims, dramatically gesturing to a girl who looks around sixteen.

She timidly smiles at me, "Wrath," she nods.

I nod in return, Val and I heard rumors about a new assassin working to end trafficking rings under the name Athena. I didn't realize it's was a sixteen-year-old girl till now considering she's standing in front of me.

I don't even question how she knows my underground name, I'm guessing she put two and two together with Valentina being Diavola, Wrath never strays to far from Diavola and everyone knows that.

"She's also Thalia Andino —" Val beams, "I have a sister, can you believe it?"

Thalia as I now know, splutters beside her looking horrified, "wait, you're not adopting me into this family are you? Because I'm just letting you know now, I already have one," she says smiling at Zeus and he returns the smile.

Milos looks like a wounded puppy before he storms out of the room, Val sucks in a deep breath, "I'm dating your half brother so technically we're sisters-in-law. This is Messiah Romero, his mother, and your father were involved together before your mother was in the picture."

Messiah scoffs at the involved together part but manages to somber up quickly, grinning at Thalia who looks a little lost, "nice to meet you Bambina."

Gasps and choking noises echo around the room, I grin since I'm proud of Messiah coming a long way with his selective mutism. I'm not going to lie, I love it when he speaks, he has the deep, velvety baritone — it's undeniably sexy.

Val, the lucky bitch.

"Wow, okay," Thalia breathes, lost for words I'm assuming.

Val walks around and introduces everyone to Thalia and Killian, everyone asking them questions about how they started their operation and as young teenagers no less. Val's family is very impressed when they both explain, I can see the Petrov's and Pierre's just as proud.

When it comes to our family and allies, we are one hundred percent against human trafficking. We don't condone taking away a person's right or free will.

After everyone settles in the living area again, one of Luc's men rushes in, "Don, we have a problem at the gate. There are two boys and a girl trying to blow up the front gate, want us to shoot them down?"

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