28 | Spiralling

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For some reason, all my older brothers have been acting weird around me all day but I've let that slide since I have other shit on my mind

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For some reason, all my older brothers have been acting weird around me all day but I've let that slide since I have other shit on my mind. Like who the fuck is Willow talking to and who is the baby's father? I need to work out a plan that involves killing Galen and Carter, I mean if his son is there too that would be a bonus too.

I haven't seen my dad or grandfather around the house which is odd but then again, there are so many people walking around it wouldn't be hard to have missed them.

Mez told me he was spending some time with his brother Milos in the gym this morning and they were going to talk to some of Milo's contacts to find out any more information on their father, Milos also wanted to check on his loyal men and see how things were going.

I'm happy to see that Mez has family by his side right now, yes I class my family as his but it's not always the same as having blood by your side. I just wish his father wasn't a cunt, but at least he has his brother.

All morning I've been trying to find Xavier but I think he's hiding from me, I'm not sure what's going on with him. Ever since Mez has come back he's been acting weird, not suspicious or anything just not his normal self.

Maybe he's worried that I'm not going to have any time to spend with him now Mez is back, but that's not true. I love spending time with him, he was there for me when Mez wasn't here. He always listened, never doubted. I need to fix whatever is going on, but right now I need to find my shithead younger brothers and friends.

Slamming my fists against Dom's door, no reply. Huffing I spin around and do the same to Rome's, still no reply.

"They've gone out." Matías, one of my oldest cousins says from down the hall, I turn around frowning.

"Gone out where?" I ask, scratching my head. The idiots know it's dangerous to be out right now, so what's so important that they'd go out?

Matías stiffens, removing eye contact to look over my shoulder, "gone out where Matt? Don't even think about lying to me either." I hiss, through gritted teeth.

I watch as sweat starts to bead between his brows, Adam's apple bobs, and his hand twitches. This fucker is about to lie to me, I can feel it.

"They went house hunting, no big deal Val." He hastily blurts out, then quickly shuffles past me and continues down the hallway.

My finger twitches at my side, next thing I know I've let my blade loose and it's sailing in the air and lodged in Matt's shoulder. He lets out a pathetic yelp before turning around with wide eyes, "the fuck Val, you just stabbed me."

"Sure I did, you lied asshole. I don't like being lied to, being family doesn't mean shit if we lie to each other —" I take a step towards him, he takes a step back, "now cousin, where are my brothers and friends?"

"Fuck," he mumbles, "Luc is going to kill me."

"Not if I bet him first." I hiss.

"Okay, okay. Shit, you're so fucking scary sometimes, your father and grandfather are getting the rest of your family that are in Italy and they got them safely and are about to land soon. Your brothers and friends have taken a couple of vehicles and things to pick them up." He explains, wincing when he accidentally moves his arm hurting his shoulder more.

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