37 | Purgatory

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According to our sources, she's in Mexico, and you wouldn't fucking believe who bought her at one of the trafficking auctions — yeah you've probably guessed it by now — Carter fucking Lopez

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According to our sources, she's in Mexico, and you wouldn't fucking believe who bought her at one of the trafficking auctions — yeah you've probably guessed it by now — Carter fucking Lopez.

For some reason all this shit keeps circling back to him, I think it's a sign that I need to kill him. Yeah, that's what I'm going with right now, it's a sign from above.

"How old would she be now?" I ask.

He's been staring into space all creepy-like, it's kind of got me concerned. I think finding out that your dead sister isn't quite dead must be a shock to the system.

Is it me or are people just not staying dead these days?

"Sixteen." He whispers, frowning at the ground.

"I've read over everything I've collected, I'm going to warn you now Milos there is a possibility that she won't come with us —" I hesitate, he looks up and glares at me, "willingly."

Turns out little Thalia isn't who everyone remembers her as, I'm sure Milos is going to be in for a shock of his life when he figures that out.

"How long till we land?" I ask, looking back down at the files in front of me, so much excitement running through my veins.

I can't wait to meet her, I have a feeling she and I are going to get along like a house on fire.

"Ten minutes, we're nearly there," Gio informs me, tapping away on his laptop.

"Why would she be in Mexico?" Milos asks, looking at us for answers.

I shrug, pretending I don't know why when I do. It's not my story to tell, if he wants answers then he needs to hear it from her. She is the only person who can give him closure about any of this shit with their fucked up family, I've got my family shit to worry about.


I managed to pertain the address of where I know she's going to be tonight, I told Messiah and Milos to dress up in tuxes and I had Gio order some masks for us. Since this is a fancy evening and all.

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