13 | Felix

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Gio and I are sitting in Luc's office with him working on our secure network and upgrading the firewall

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Gio and I are sitting in Luc's office with him working on our secure network and upgrading the firewall. Felix walks into the office, it's his day off and he looks like he's ready to go out somewhere. He hasn't noticed me sitting on the couch since Gio and Luc are at the desk.

"Don, I know a lot is going on at the moment but would it be okay if I left the grounds for a bit?" Felix asks, nervously.

"Felix, I don't know.." Luc sighs.

"Go ahead Felix, don't listen to Luc — just make sure you have your weapons on you and you keep an eye out." I smile at him reassuringly.

Luc glares at me but nods anyway, "okay."

"Thank you, I won't be too long." Felix bows and exits the room.

"What was that Val?" Luc demands.

"It's his family's anniversary or did you forget?" I narrow my eyes into slits, glaring at him.

"Shit, yeah I did forget. He told you about them?"

"Yes he did, did you ever get the guy who killed them?" I question.

"No we never got the guy, we always came up empty."

Poor Felix, I can only imagine how he's feeling not being able to get his revenge on the bastard who did this, his entire family was slaughtered in front of him. I have a feeling he's going to go see them at their cemetery, I just hope he'll be okay on his own,

"Do you still have the files from the case?" I ask, standing up.

"Yeah, why?"

"I want to look through them and see if you missed anything. Maybe a set of fresh eyes might help, plus I want him to get what he deserves and that's peace." I shrug.

Luc nods and stands up walking to a file cabinet and finds the files I need to search through. He pulls it out and hands it over to me, I thank him and leave my brothers.

Making my way to my room, I sit on my bed and begin going through the files, the first thing I find is the photos of the crime scene. Bile rises in my throat when I see the photos of his mother and sister, covered in blood with multiple stab wounds.

The next photo is of his father, looks like he was executed in the head then had his throat slit. I put the photos down and pull out the autopsy files and sift through them to find out what injuries his mother and sister had.

According to the records they were stabbed multiple times then strangled with a chord. Putting the autopsy away I grab out Felix's statement, reading it over is hard. He goes into great detail about the events that took place that night, he doesn't leave anything out.

I continue to read till I find some information that stands out to me — a tattoo but there's nothing here that has a description of the tattoo. I stand up from the bed and pull out my phone, I pull up the tracker app I have and click on Felix's name.

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