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Hazel cringed as Emmett hit the dirt, sliding through it before coming to a halt. Jasper tossed him into the air as if he weighed nothing, which he probably did to the blonde male. Hazel glanced to Jasper, who straightened his stance, then her green eyes flicked back to Emmett. He hastily pulled himself off the ground, looking at his adoptive brother with determination.

"Again!" Emmett demanded. He marched back toward the small gathering.

"Save some energy for when the others get here!" Hazel called out.

As if on cue, a familiar silver jeep pulled up. Hazel turned her attention toward it, watching as Edward and Bella emerged from within. The couple linked hands, and Hazel watched Edward inspect Bella's wrist for a moment before Bella explained what she had. The brunette turned her attention to the group, and Hazel and Bella shared a smile and wave. Bella and Edward stopped beside Carlisle and Esme, and Hazel found herself holding Jasper's hand as he kept Alice under his other arm.

"And then, the wolves," Hazel hummed softly when the group heard a sound from the small hill opposite where they stood.

A pack of nine wolves emerged from the trees, their large forms stepping down from the hill. Hazel quietly awed as they surveyed the area. Even though she'd already seen the pack in their wolf forms before, she couldn't help admitting it still impressed her. She wondered who each wolf was, though she already guessed the black one in the middle, which was slightly bigger than the others, was Sam. He was unmistakable.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward spoke, looking at Carlisle.

"They came. That's what matters," the doctor replied. "Will you translate?"

Both Carlisle and Edward stepped toward the large animals. Jasper let the girls go, offering them smiles, before joining the pair.

A brown wolf who stood on Sam's left was staring intensely at Bella, who said something to him, only for him to be growled at by Sam. Alice took that moment to slip away from Hazel, not that she minded, and stand beside Bella, offering the girl a comforting grin.

"Welcome," Carlisle spoke again. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." The wolves diverted their attention to Jasper, inspecting him with narrowed eyes and slight snarls.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward translated.

"They're a great deal stronger than us," answered Carlisle, "because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life."

Something to look forward to, Hazel thought as the older vampire looked to Jasper, nodding, before stepping back.

"Carlisle's right," Jasper spoke. "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands, like a human army. But no human army could stand against them." Jasper turned, addressing everyone around. "Now the two most important things to remember are, first: never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second: never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that... and you will lose." Hazel shuddered at his sudden cold seriousness. "Emmett!" He called, turning to the boy.

As Jasper and Emmett walked, Hazel surveyed the wolves. Her eyes stopped on Sam, who narrowed his eyes at the girl before looking back at Jasper and Emmett, then a darker coloured wolf, one that had some light brown and white fur on its underside. The eyes, which were also a dark brown in colour, seemed somewhat familiar to Hazel. She cocked her head, and the wolf copied, bringing a knowing grin to her face before she turned around to face Emmett and Jasper.

"Don't hold back." Jasper smirked at his adoptive brother.

"Not in my nature," Emmett replied, grinning cockily.

Emmett ran forward a second later. Jasper raised his arms, allowing Emmett to barrel into him, pushing him further and further back. Emmett flipped Jasper, and Hazel stared as the blonde span through the air before adding on his side in the dirt. He didn't stay down for long, quickly getting up and rushing toward Emmett once again through the cloud of dirt he'd created. The pair ran at each other, Emmett swinging the first punch. Jasper easily dodged by ducking, then grabbed the dark-haired boy by his shoulder, pulling him back so he fell into the dirt.

"Never lose focus," Jasper told Emmett as he peered down at the boy.

Next was Edward and Carlisle. Hazel stood near where Esme stood, her hands in her jeans as she watched the pair run at each other. Edward jumped, Carlisle slid below, kicking up more dirt. Both halted, facing each other before running once more, determined to be the winner in their fight. They collided, grabbing each other's shoulders, making it a momentary battle of strength. Jasper circled them, watching each move as Carlisle managed to get Edward flipped over his shoulder. Edward stepped behind Carlisle, who swung his arm back, but Edward ducked out of his way, blocking the doctor's hand that reached out, instead, knocking Carlisle to the ground. Edward stood, his attention moving to Jasper as he approached.

"One more thing," Jasper spoke up. Using Edward's moment of distraction, Carlisle rose from the ground, shoving Edward to the dirt. "Never turn your back on your enemy." Hazel bit back a laugh at Jasper's unamused expression.

Hazel and Emmett shared a look of excitement, though a flash of fire ignited behind their eyes as they looked at Jasper and Rosalie. Hazel tightly gripped the twenty-dollar bill in her pocket. She was determined to not let Emmett win and hoped Jasper could solidify that for her.

Jasper beckoned with two fingers to Rosalie. She approached him like normal, paused in front of him before swinging at him with her arm. Jasper ducked and dodged the subsequent few incoming attacks, managing to find an opening to send Rosalie into the air. The woman, however, landed and stared up at Jasper, wholly determined to defeat him.

"May as well hand it over now, Haz," Emmett snickered, nudging the girl.

"As if," Hazel scoffed. "Just wait until it's you vs me. I'm going to bring you down."

"I'd like to see you try."


hello you wonderful humans, how are you? i hope you're all going well, keeping healthy and staying hydrated. don't worry, the rest of the scene will be in the next chapter. also, I wish we could have seen who won between rosalie and jasper :/ but I feel like it was a tie.

i mean to have this out earlier, but I didn't press publish, so I'm sorry.

anyway, I'll let you go now. thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. and i will see you next time. bye! :)

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