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Hazel couldn't stand hearing the screams of pain Jacob let out as Carlisle worked on fixing his ribs, which consisted of breaking them over again. She'd retreated to Christian's home hours ago, where she took a short nap on the couch, but Hazel could still hear the boy, even when she covered her ears. Hazel kept watch of the home, waiting for something or for someone to tell her he was fine now. Bella turned up before it was over, her red truck pulling up to the Blacks' home before she rushed out of it.

Hazel heard him scream again as she stepped out the back door. She cringed but continued walking toward Bella. She wanted to know what happened after she'd left. The Volturi. Hazel got there just as Leah complained about Jacob's intervention.

"Why did he have to butt in? I could have taken that tick." Leah spoke.

"Oh, give it a rest, Leah," Paul interrupted, narrowed eyes stared her down.

There wasn't time for the conversation to continue as the door opened. Carlisle stepped out, followed by Sam. Hazel only realised then that no more screams were erupting from the house.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright." Hazel saw Billy let out a sigh with visible relief colouring his face from the corner of her eye. "I gave him some Morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip." He stepped down the ramp.

"Thank you."

Billy's words surprised Hazel momentarily, and it seemed they had the same effect on the blonde vampire as well. Carlisle paused and turned to Billy,  a smile, though tight-lipped, appeared on his face. The two shook hands. There was a hint of mutual respect shared between them. Then Carlisle turned to Bella.

"He's asking for you," Carlisle told the pale brunette with a small gesture of his head before he stepped past her. He paused at Hazel. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. I managed to get some rest." Hazel nodded. She offered Carlisle a smile. "How is everyone?" She queried, referencing his family.

"Good. Relieved. But a little off after the Volturi arrived." Carlisle frowned slightly. "You should let Alice and Jasper know you're okay. I think they'll feel a little better." Hazel nodded. Carlisle gave the teenager a smile and a gentle pat on her shoulder. "I'll see you later. Thank you for today."

"Yeah. Bye, Carlisle."

Hazel watched the man retreat back to his fancy car. He got into the vehicle as Hazel turned back to the collection of wolves gathered in front of the home. Christian noticed her and nodded at her, clearly exhausted as they all seemed to be.

"Good to know he'll be alright," Hazel spoke, adding a comforting smile to the end of her words.

The wolf pack agreed with her in their own ways, nods, hums, pondering looks. Hazel stopped beside Paul, who shot her a half-exhausted smile.

"I'm sorry? Bella and Edward did what?" Hazel gaped at Alice, who had just told her the news that was, truthfully, not as surprising as Hazel expected but still shocked her. She blinked once, twice, still staring. Alice laughed at her reaction. "What in the name of all things powerful could have led to them doing this?"

"Well, you have to consider that Edward is desperately in love with Bella," Jasper shot the comment, barely sparing a glance to Hazel from where he was fixed on the school task in front of him. "Hopelessly, as well. So Bella's state of being in danger sped his processes along."

"Jesus Christ." Hazel flopped backwards, laying on the bed now, and moved her hands under her head. She let out a long breath of air. "Next thing I know, Bella's gonna be having tiny little Edwards running around. That or she's going to be a vampire. We'll see which one comes first."

"I think Edward wants to hold on to Bella's mortality as long as possible," Alice spoke up. "And, speaking of." She gave Hazel's bent knee a tap. Jasper paused, perking his head up slightly. "Maybe it's time that the three of us start talking about..."

"The next step," Hazel finished, hesitating herself. She shut her eyes, bringing a hand to drag down her face. "Yeah, yeah. But, can we not do it right now? I mean, I know it's important and everything but--"

"Hey, hey, okay," Alice frowned softly at Hazel's fretting state. She glanced over to Jasper, who shared a concerned look with the vampire, having tuned in to the stress emanating from Hazel's body.

"You know I love you both, it's just..." Hazel let out another sigh, pulling back Alice's attention, "I'm just unsure about it. It's a big step. I haven't even decided where I'm going to go for college. There's so many things I want to decide before I even think about it."

"We don't have to talk about it right now," Alice cooed as she gave Hazel's knee a comforting pat. "Later, yeah?"

Hazel nodded. To be truthful, Hazel wasn't even sure how her body would react to the venom. Would she die? Would it work, and she would be a demigod vampire? Would her body reject it and force her to live out her days as a mortal, forever aging while Alice and Jasper stayed young? She didn't want to think about the endless possibilities, and she still wanted to have a few years to have proper mortal experiences before she decided on anything. Hopefully Jasper and Alice would understand. They would, right? After all, they'd stood with her during almost everything she'd experienced during the past two years.

Jasper moved from the floor, gently placing the pen on the paper, and made his way to Hazel. She moved her hand, staring up at him with her green eyes that he loved to gaze at.

"We'll be here for you, Hazel, no matter what you need." He gave her a smile, then lowered to place a kiss on her forehead. "We'll wait for you, for when you're ready. Even if it takes years." Hazel gave him a grateful smile, raising her hand to take his and holding it tight.

"I know you will, but thank you, nonetheless."

And Hazel did know, because they were both hers, wholly devoted to loving her as they loved each other. She just needed to hear it.


hello loves, how are you all? I hope you're all doing well and staying hydrated and fed. and i hope you're all getting enough sleep as well. your health is much more important :)

anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, though it was a little bit on the shorter side. thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you later. bye! :)

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