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"You know, I'm glad you're choosing to help, Chris," Hazel smiled softly, placing another sprinkle of chocolate chips into the cupcake batter. The boy hummed in response, glancing over his shoulder, Valentina by his side, already facing Hazel.

"It's not like I had any choice," Christian replied. "And please stop adding choc chips to the batter." Hazel snorted, lifting her hands. "It would be better, though, if your damned vampires didn't smell so bad."

"Honestly, Christian, how bad can they smell?" Valentina sighed. The boy shuddered, and the girls laughed at him. "Are you done with the tray, yet, because Hazel's still got the other bowl waiting."

"It would be fine if she hadn't put so many damn chocolate chips in," Christian huffed, turning his head to glare at Hazel over his shoulder. "Next time, I refuse to let you have any chocolate chips."

"Aw, man," Hazel pouted. She stepped away from the bowl and bag of chips, making her way further from the kitchen. "I'll just get out of your way, then," Hazel faked a sniff, "because what am I if not the choc-chip assaulter?"

"Oh, you're so dramatic," Christian smiled despite his seemingly annoyed tone.

Hazel stepped over to their dining table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and watched the couple finish up the first tray before beginning to place the next batch of cookies on the second one. After a few minutes, Valentina took over from Christian, huffing about how he was being too slow, then kicked him out of the kitchen, where he quickly joined Hazel.

"Surprised you could actually come out here," the boy commented, leaning back in the wooden chair. Hazel raised her eyebrow, trying to figure out what he meant. "I thought you vamps would have wanted you to keep away from us and stuff."

"They don't particularly like you guys, but they understand we're friends. And they know I can take care of myself." Hazel shot him a smug grin. Christian rolled his eyes. "It's good to be able to hang out once in a while. We'll have to bring Minnie and Kas over, too, next time."

Christian hummed. "I don't trust Minnie any more than I trust you with baking."

"You live to wound me," Hazel sighed, dramatically placing a hand on her forehead.

Christian snorted. Hazel let out a soft giggle, too.

"Do you two want to watch a movie after this?" Valentina asked, looking up from the trays of cookie dough in front of her. "I mean, we've got time, and I just bought a new action film that I've been dying to watch, but keep forgetting about."

"Oh, yeah!" Hazel grinned. "Do you guys have popcorn?" Valentina nodded. "Nice. I'll get that ready, and Chris, you put on the movie." She looked over to Valentina. "How many do you have left."

"Well, because I am speed, I've only got about a third of this second batch left. Should be done and in the oven in a few minutes, so you can put the movie on now, if you want," Valentina spoke. "But, I swear to god if you two start talking during it, I'm going to kick you out and eat the cookies myself."

"No! I'll be quiet Val, I promise," Hazel whined.

"Yeah, Val, we'll be quiet. I'll even kick Hazel to the other chair," Christian added. Hazel turned her head to him, gaping in shock, a hand over her heart in dramatic hurt. Christian turned his eyes back to her and shrugged. "You'll live."

Hazel huffed, standing from her chair and stepping back to the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder at the boy and stuck out her tongue. "You're so rude."

"You love me," Christian grinned, a heavy teasing tone accompanying his words.

"You wish," Hazel scoffed but grinned nonetheless at him.

"Did you need an alibi for the battle?" Hazel looked up from her book, crossing her legs as Alice sat on the sofa beside her. Hazel shook her head. "All right. I was just going to tell Bella's dad about her cover story, so I thought I should ask, just in case."

"You really do think of everything," Hazel grinned, nudging Alice with her foot.

"When I'm dating you, it's a habit one must pick up," Alice teased. Hazel gasped, placing a hand over her heart.

"What is up with everyone today?" She sighed dramatically. "First it was Chris, now you. Attacked from both sides!"

"Oh, you're so dramatic," Alice laughed.

"You wouldn't have me any other way," Hazel grinned. She placed her book down, not worried about where she was in it because it was frankly boring her, and crawled the short distance to Alice. "You love me." Then she pressed a deep kiss on Alice's mouth, grinning when Alice didn't hesitate in reciprocating it.

The pair kissed for a few minutes. Hazel somehow managed to end up hovering over the vampire as they got caught up in the heat of it. It was Alice who pulled away first, gently gripping the open front of the washed-out flannel Hazel had over her white t-shirt. Hazel didn't protest, thinking it was Alice's caution due to their difference in physical abilities and pulled back slightly further to keep her comfortable. Alice brought up a hand and tenderly cupped the curly-haired girl's face.

"Are you scared? About the battle?" Alice asked, her voice soft, clearly hiding some of her own worries. "I mean, you're going up against an army of vampires, and they're in their strongest state, no less."

Hazel let out a soft sigh and leaned her head forward until their foreheads touched. "I won't lie to you, Alice," Hazel began, "I am. I am scared about it, but I'm even more scared about what might happen if I don't join you, if I don't fight alongside all of you. I don't want to run the risk of any of you getting hurt, or killed if I could have helped prevent it."

Alice closed her eyes, bringing her other hand to Hazel's back. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid while we're fighting," Alice whispered. She opened her eyes again, the golden colour seeming to sparkle.

"Of course I won't," Hazel smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of Alice's nose. "I'm not that crazy."

"Hm, you're going to have to talk to Jasper about that, because crazy seems to be his type," Alice giggled. Hazel let out a small laugh as well, finally pushing away from Alice. "I should get going to Bella's now. I'll see you later, honey."

"See you later, Alice."


man, i love everyone's relationships so much, i swear :(

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, my lovelies, and thank you so much for reading. I'll see you all next time. bye! :)

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