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"What are you trying to say, Kassie? That I can't drive because I like girls as well as boys?" Minnie asked, throwing one of her peas at her girlfriend. "If that's the case then you must be much worse than me.

"Mins, babe, I'm a lesbian. I already knew this," Kassie shrugged, throwing a carrot piece right back.

The two lovers were already playfully bantering by the time they arrived at the table where Christian and Hazel were. Ever since Hazel and the others cut out Victor, Kassie happily took his place. The only time they saw the boy was in brief passing in the hallways or in the one class Hazel shared with him. Hazel was completely fine, though, and had him out of her mind.

"Gays who can't drive aside," Christian rolled his eyes, "we still on for Sunday? Theatre, remember? No one going to cancel for any reason?" The others cast a look Hazel's way.

"Nope! I am Cullen-free all weekend," Hazel smiled. "Unless, of course, there's an emergency." All Hazel's friends clapped and cheered. "Guys, it's not like I live and breathe the Cullens." Hazel sighed.

"Just wait until they disappear for, like, a month or something, then you'll see," Kassie grinned.

"You need the Cullens to drive you home," Minnie pointed out.

"Excuse me! They offer, so I accept," Hazel defended. The others began to argue with her, bit she quickly cut them off. "And besides, if I still had my bike, I would be riding that here every day."

"I actually kind of miss your bike," Minnie frowned. "She was actually a beautiful bike."

"If I didn't have to get rid of her," Hazel began, tearing off a piece of her cheese pizza slice, "I wouldn't need them and their expensive cars to drive me places."

"Who's expensive cars are you talking about?" Alice Cullen sat down in the space between Minnie and Hazel at the table. "I hope it was us. You always say stuff and then take it back when you realize we were listening."

Hazel's eyes widened and she flushed. "Heh, hey!" She chuckled awkwardly. Alice smiled, pressing a kiss to the girl's warm cheek. "It–it was just nothing. All good things."

"You completely blanked, again," Christian sighed, shaking his head.

"Whatever you say," Alice chuckled. She turned to Hazel's group of friends. "Hi again, Minnie, Christian, Kassie. You're looking well." Alice paused, smiling. "Well, I should be off. Bye!" Alice pressed another quick kiss to Hazel's cheek before skipping away.

"She's so weird," Kassie frowned, cocking her head as she watched the girl leave.

"Hey," Hazel shot her a look.

"Is that why you like her, or cause she's prettier than you?" Kassie asked, turning to Hazel.

"Haha. I like her because she's sweet," Hazel smiled. "And she's prettier than you. But that's not hard."

"Leave my girlfriend alone," Minnie shot Hazel a glare, giving her a sharp kick under the table. "Don't make me waste my lasagna on you."

As Kassie reigned Minnie back in, Hazel let her eyes wander. They travelled over to the table that used to hold the Cullen family. To keep up appearances, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett had graduated last year.

Her head tilted slightly at the sight of Edward and Alice seemingly having a silent discussion. Bella and Bella's friends didn't seem to notice as they all talked amongst each other. Hazel smiled. It seemed so normal.

"Thanks, Chris!" Hazel waved as she shut the car door. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, Haz," he called back, grinning at her. "Tell Anthony I said hi." With a short beep of his horn, the teen boy drove off.

Hazel headed inside. The first she saw was Anthony sitting at the dining table, furiously scribbling on what she assumed was homework. Hazel came up behind him and peeked over his shoulder. She was right, it was mathematics.

"Division," Hazel sighed, startling the boy. "Sucks, right?" He spun around to face his sister. "Christian says hi."

"Don't scare me like that, sis!" Anthony cried, whacking his sister's arm. "Mom isn't home yet, by the way."

"Okay," Hazel frowned. "Do you need any help?" The boy shook his head. "All right. If you need me–"

"You'll be in your room, I know," Anthony cut her off, smiling. Hazel grinned back and ruffled her brother's short hair.

She raced up the spiral steps and entered her room. She paused in the doorway, her eyes widening, and dropped her bag. She stared at the back of Alice Cullen, who stood in front of her metal shelves inspecting her bearded dragon, Clive. Hazel stepped closer to the vampire, who span around with a sad frown on her face.

"Alice?" Hazel blinked, and the girl didn't disappear. "What are you doing here?"

Alice averted her eyes. "We have to leave, Hazel." Hazel's eyes widened at the statement. "We can't stay in Forks."

"Because of the not-ageing thing?" Alice stayed quiet. Hazel stepped closer. "If it's because of Bella's birthday, then maybe I should go, too. But Bella forgives Jasper–" Alice grabbed the girl's hands, effectively silencing her.

"It's–" she paused, "we just have to go, Hazel." The teenager could see the pain the news inflicted on Alice. "I'm sorry. Jasper wanted to come, but he didn't want to see you like this."

Hazel did t know what she meant until Alice's cold thumb wiped under her eye.

"Alice, I swear to God," Hazel shakily breathed. "You can't just leave. You have to come back. Please... Please tell me I'll see you and Jasper again."

"I'm sorry, Hazel," Alice whispered. Hazel couldn't help but sob. She closed her eyes a d leaning into Alice's freezing hand before she disappeared. "Jasper wanted me to tell you something."

Hazel didn't open her eyes as Alice pressed a gentle kiss to Hazel's lips. She pulled away much too soon for the human.

"I love you."

Hazel opened her eyes, but Alice had already disappeared.

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