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It had been a couple of days since Minnie and Hazel had met up and Hazel had seen Victor. She sat in her home, watching Breakfast Club for possibly the hundredth time as her mother and brother were out. The girl sighed as she glanced down at her phone. There were no new messages.

Bella and Hazel had been in contact since the pale girl had apologized, but it was still a little awkward between the two. Hazel had tried her best to find out what was wrong with Jacob, for the sake of Bella, through means of Christian but he'd only relayed the same information. She found it slightly annoying. But, she had to assume that maybe he just didn't know any more than anyone else did.

"You seem stressed, Hazel," Kassie pointed out. Her dark eyes focused on Hazel's hand as she poked at her salad. "Is everything okay? Anything we can talk about?"

Hazel lifted her head from her food and turned to the girl. She glanced at Minne and sighed. She dropped her fork, leaning over the table with her head bent low. Hazel lifted up her arms, resting them on the table as she held her head in her hands.

"I kinda, maybe, snapped at Bella the other day," Hazel answered. Kassie had to lean in because her voice was muffled by her skin. "I still feel really guilty about it."

"I would ask what about, but I don't think I should," Minnie commented. "You did apologize, though, right?"

"Of course, I did!" Hazel replied groaning. "I would be feeling a lot worse if I hadn't."

Kassie nodded in approval. Hazel lifted her head, so her hands now held it up by her cheeks. Her eyes bore into the plain cream-coloured wall as she let out a long breath. The TV in the background played Friends reruns, but none of them paid any attention to what Ross was saying to Phoebe.

Hazel blinked, snapping out of her memory. Her green eyes darted to her phone, which buzzed with the incoming call. The girl turned to her TV, quickly pausing the movie. She picked it up and stood. Hazel then flipped it open and answered without looking at the caller.

"Hello?" The girl spoke.

"Hazel?" It was Bella's voice that came through the other end.


"Thank God," Bella let out a sigh of relief. "Hazel I really need to talk to you right now." Bella's tone was panicked, and her breathing wasn't in the best state, either. She sounded as if she'd been running away from something.

"Yeah, Bella," Hazel's tine was sot and calm. She'd completely forgotten the awkwardness that had been lingering between them. "What's wrong? Were you hurt? Attacked?"

"No," Bella puffed, "but I'm pretty sure Laurent was getting to that part."

"Laurent?" Hazel gasped. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait. Hold on. What do you mean he was getting to that part? What the hell happened?"

"I, uh, I went to the meadow that Edward and I used to go to," Bella began, the hesitance in her voice clear as day to Hazel. "I was alone, and while I was there, Laurent showed up. He was telling me that Victoria asked him to scout the area, to--to see if I was still here." The trembling in the girl's voice increased slightly.

"What else did he say?" Hazel inquired.

"He--he said it would be a mate for a mate. She wants to avenge James," Bella answered. "He didn't mention anything about you, though. Um, but I want you to be careful, yeah?" Bell rushed out the sentence so Hazel could barely make it out.

"Okay, yeah, just calm down," Hazel cooed. She had no idea what to do and stepped out of the lounge room to the kitchen area. "Breathe in, then breathe out. You're panicked, but it's over, now. Do you know what happened with Laurent?" Hazel queried as she opened the fridge and grabbed out the carton of orange juice.

"Um, well, not really."Bella let out a sigh. " Laurent was talking to me, and then he just kinda stopped. He looked to the trees and, well, you know the bear that everyone's been talking about?  It came out of the trees, and it was huge. Like huge. And it wasn't a bear, it was a wolf." Bella ranted.

Hazel had the slightest urge to stop her, but she found her ranting amusing. And, besides, she was drinking her OJ.

"It's not the only other wolf," Bella informed her. Hazel paused.

"There's more?"

"Like a whole pack of giant wolves." Hazel was slightly sceptical, and it seemed like Bella could tell. "Look, I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. They chased Laurent away. It was like they knew they could catch him." Bella's voice became less frantic, more light now.

"But Laurant's a vampire," Hazel murmured. "Bella, you have to be careful, okay? Don't go into the woods, and whenever you go out, make sure you tell someone where you're going. Mainly me, but Charlie, too. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I wasn't planning on going out there anymore," she replied. "Charlie forbid it. I told him about the wolves, too. He said he was going to gather some people to go hunting for them."

"Why would you tell him?" Hazel almost screamed at the girl. "Bella, they didn't attack you, right? They just went after Laurent. I mean... what if--what if they aren't just animal, but creatures like Laurent. Not vampires, but something else."

"They've been attacking hikers," Bella sounded exasperated.

"What if it wasn't them, but--"

"Hazel, I've got to go," Bella spoke. She didn't give Hazel any time to respond before she hung up.

"Well, bye then," Hazel grumbled. She pinched her nose as she picked up the orange juice container and poured some more into her glass. "God."

A/N: it's times like these i remember why i dislike Bella so much. also, i have an idea for this story and none of you are going to like it one bit. y'all are probably gonna hate me.

but anyways, comments, questions, theories, just leave them here. i love reading them and answering and just talking.

bye now :)

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