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Alice, Bella and Edward had arrived back in Forks several hours after the Cullens. It was dark outside, with no clouds in sight, giving whoever looked up a full view of the crescent moon above.

Inside the vampire household, Hazel snored on. Her face buried into the soft pillows as Jasper sat beside her, his cold hand rubbing tender circles over her arm. With his free hand, he clutched the well-worn yellow notepad, reading the words scrawled on the lined pages. He could barely believe so much occurred. And it hurt him. He couldn't help the guilt that bubbled up inside, the reminder that he wasn't there for her when he should have been. He already read the letters at least thrice before, but the feeling never seemed to lessen.

"She looks so nice a peaceful when she's asleep, doesn't she?" Alice hummed, stepping into the room.

"It's nice to see her like that," Jasper replied, placing down the notepad as he turned around. "It's refreshing, almost, to see her sleeping so soundlessly. To know she isn't terrified of the darkness."

Jasper paused, frowning at the surfacing memory. He stood, shooting Hazel one last look before facing Alice. The pixie-like vampire sped to his side, taking his hand in her own and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"She told me to wake her up when you got back," Jasper murmured, a soft smile coming to his lips.

"How long has she been asleep?" Alice queried.

"A few hours on and off," he replied. "Do you want to do it, or should I?"

"I'll do it," Alice grinned. "Edward wants us to meet him downstairs, anyway. He has something important to talk with us about."

"Okay," Jasper nodded. "I'll leave you two be." The couple shared another quick kiss before the honey blonde headed out of the room.

"Hey, Hazel," Alice smiled, taking Jasper's spot beside the human. She gently nudged the girl's shoulder, hoping to wake her, but failed. "Come on, love." Alice tried again, this time shoving Hazel a little harder.

"Five more minutes," she groaned, burying her face further into the pillow.

Alice giggled, a sound which caused Hazel to move her head and peer up at the vampire.

"I thought you wanted to be woken up when I returned?" Alice teased.

Hazel rolled onto her back. She shot Alice a tired smile. The pale girl smiled and pressed a kiss to Hazel's forehead. Hazel's cheeks flushed several shades darker.

"How long have you been back?" Hazel inquired, averting her gaze. She raised her arms above her head, stretching her toes as well.

"Just arrived then," Alice replied, brushing the curls from Hazel's face. "Did Jas explain what happened?" Hazel hummed and nodded. "I'm sorry about not telling you sooner."

"It's okay, Alice," Hazel smiled, moving her hand to tenderly stroke the vampire's arm. "As long as you're back and safe."

Alice's expression changed, only for a split second, but Hazel managed to catch it. She frowned, quickly sitting up. Alice averted her gaze, but Hazel brought her hands up to the vampire's face and turned her head.

"What is it?" Hazel queried. She got no response. "Alice, what's wrong? Are we in danger?"

"I don't know," Alice spoke, a small flash of fear passing over her eyes. "The Volturi, they--they know about you. They know about your powers. Aro, he looked into my head, and he saw you." Alice grabbed Hazel's hands, gently squeezing them. "Caius wanted you dead because of how little anyone knows about you and what you can do. He's also pissed off because they weren't told earlier." She paused, her golden eyes flicking to the doorway. "I've got to go. Bella wants to hold a vote on whether she should become a vampire or not."

"Does this mean I get to kick Edward's ass now?" Hazel chuckled, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Hazel." Alice shot her a look, but bit her lip to hide the grin that threatened to break out.

I'm grouchy when I'm tired, Alice. And Edward's put me through six months of hell." Hazel flopped back onto the bed with a groan. "Him deciding the best solution to his problem was suicide was probably the most dumbass move. I mean, why couldn't he just come back and see Bella instead of not using his brain?"

"Hazel," Alice spoke slightly louder that time. Hazel just kept going.

"You know, I do not care if he was concerned about whatever reason he had for hauling your asses states away if he came back then perhaps everyone would have had some relief. I know for sure I would have. I mean, come on, don't go jumping off of a cliff just because your feelings got hurt." Hazel paused for a moment. "I hope Bella's hearing this. She needs to stop launching herself off cliffs."

"Hazel!" Alice placed her hand over the human's mouth.

"What?" She cocked her head, her words coming out extremely muffled.

"Everyone downstairs can hear you."

Hazel paused. She could hear Emmett's laughter floating up the stairs.

"Oh, okay," Hazel shrugged. "Sup."

"Sup!" Emmett yelled up the stairs.

"I'm going," Alice sighed. She pressed another kiss to Hazel's forehead before rising from the bed. "You can sleep some more if you want. I'll get you when everything's finished downstairs."

Hazel nodded, then waved after the vampire as she sped off. With a sigh of her own, Hazel grabbed the notepad. She shoved her hand under the pillow and pulled out the pen she'd kept there just in case. With a smile, she clicked the end, balancing the pad on her knees as she began to write one more letter.

'Alice, Jasper.

You're back. It's like I can finally breathe once more. Edward's an idiot, but at least we're all together again. I think it's absolutely impossible for me to adequately convey how much I've missed you.

I want to thank you. Without you both, I'm sure life in Forks would be dreadful and boring. I hope one day we won't be stuck faking. I truly love you both. Maybe, if I get accepted into any universities, we can all live together. Just the three of us, wherever we want. I'll transfer all my school work online if I have to.

Yours lovingly,


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