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HAZEL WANTED TO quit school and it was only the first week back. She stood beside Alice's locker with said girl and Jasper. Hazel leant against the lean boy as the short-haired girl fiddled with Bella's birthday gift.

"I told you, you should have gotten more sleep." Alice sighed. "I warned you about this."

"I know, I know," Hazel groaned. She fiddled with the golden bracelet she'd gotten as a gift, a habit she become accustomed to, as Jasper played with her hair. "I was too excited for tonight, though."

"But that's tonight," Jasper chuckled. "You had 24 hours in between."

"But still. All events excite me. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Birthdays." She let out a breath of air. "I can't help it."

"Bella's here," Alice spoke, shutting her locker and pulling the two along. "Let's go."

"I'll let you sleep in History," Jasper whispered, smiling and giving the girl a wink. She mouthed her thank you to her boyfriend and continued to follow her girlfriend.

"Happy Birthday, Bella!" Alice grinned, holding out the gift to the pale brunette.

"I thought I said no presents," Bella sighed.

"But I've seen your reaction and you love it. Wear it tonight." Alice grinned.

From the corner of her eye Hazel notice Jasper slightly tip his head. His gaze was locked on Bella and she could see him concentrating. Immediately she knew what he was doing.

"Fine," Bella sighed again. Alice squealed in delight and quickly retreated again. "Hey Jasper! No fair on the mood control thing."

"Sorry, Bella," he smiled in apology, grabbing Hazel's hand. "Happy–" he stopped himself at Bella's dark look. "Nevermind."

HAZEL DROVE WITH Emmett and Jasper back to the Cullen's place. When Christian had queries the girl on what she was doing, she told him the truth. She told him she was helping to set up Bella Swan's birthday party. He frowned, getting a sour look on his face, but let her continue on her way.

"Has your friend Christian always been that protective of you?" Jasper inquired. "He seems like a guard dog."

"Ever since he found out we've become... A thing, he's become much more protective. He checks up on me a lot more." Hazel admitted. "Honestly, it's a little freaky."

"Yeah," Emmett made a face. He quickly changed it, turning it to a grin instead, his twinkling golden irises landing on Hazel from the rearview mirror. "It's all good, Hazelnut."

"Maybe," she muttered, turning her head to look out the window. "But two years ago he cut his hair suddenly. He won't go swimming with us anymore. I'm sure he's hiding something, but there's no clues."

Jasper knitted his brows together and shared a knowing look with Emmett. Hazel and the two males did t speak any more of the subject until the Jeep pulled up at the large home. They all climbed out and quickly headed in. The trio stepped into the room where they'd had Hazel's party to find Carlisle and Esme setting up. The couple paused when the three came in and motioned them over.

"Hazel, can you come taste the cake batter for me? I'm pretty sure I got it right, but I just want to be sure." Hazel nodded at Esme and followed the woman into the kitchen.

She grabbed a spoon and dipped it in quickly before pulling in out and licking off some of the batter. It was sweet and vanilla. Hazel grinned and gave the motherly vampire a thumbs up.

"It's delicious," she said. "Bella will love it."

"Thank you," Esme smiled. "We better go back and help the others."

Hazel nodded once again. She couldn't wait for the small party that was going to happen in only a few short hours.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BELLA!" Everyone cheered when the other human came down. Edward guided her slowly. She was wearing the dress Alice had bought, and she looked wonderful in it.

"Guys," Bella sighed. Esme went up and hugged the girl. Hazel watched from the back with Jasper by her side.

There was a flash, and Bella turned to a sheepish looking Alice. She held a camera in her hands.

"Sorry, I found it in your bag," the petite apologized. "You mind?" Bella shook her head.

Edward pulled Bella in as Alice held.up the camera. The pair posed together. Hazel smiled, loving how nice they looked. Alice snapped the photo and handed the device back to Bella before heading to the corner and grabbing a small box. The pixie-like girl came back and handed it to Bella.

"It's from Rosalie," Alice smiled.

"It's a necklace Alice made me get for you," Rosalie told her.

Alice glared at the blonde as Bella smiled awkwardly. Hazel couldn't help but chuckle.

"Every time," she sighed.

Alice grabbed another present. Bella happily took it from her. She seemed slightly surprised as she shook it. Hazel furrowed her brows when no sound could be heard.

"I already installed it in your truck," Emmett grinned proudly. "Finally, a working sound system for that piece of–"

"Hey, hey," Bella cut him off. "Don't diss the truck."

Esme stepped forward. "The next one's from Carlisle and I," Esme smiled. She handed Bella a small gift. "We thought you were looking a little bit pale," she laughed.

Bella silently thanked the pair. Her fingers moved to unwrap the gift and suddenly it seemed like time slowed.

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