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"Here," Jasper sped back into the kitchen area, handing Hazel an ice pack. "Anything else you need?"

"No, " Hazel smiled, placing it too the back of her head. The action made her wince, which the blonde in front of her picked up immediately. He raised his eyebrow at her. "I guess my arms might have bruises from his grip."

"Let me see, " Jasper spoke softly.

Hazel lowered the ice pack and shrugged off the jacket, an action that also pained her. The male gently moved her right sleeve to her shoulder; his golden eyes inspected the angry purple mark. He scowled at it.

"I don't think you can do much about it, " Hazel told the boy, rolling her sleeve back down. She bent her head down.

The two stayed in silence for a moment. Jasper studied the teenager in front of him with a frown. In the almost six months he and his family had gone she seemed to change so much. She wasn't happy they were back, not entirely. She was... Relieved. As if their presence somehow fixed things.

"Are you rereading my emotions, Jasper?" Hazel peered at the boy, laughing slightly.

"Force of habit, " he replied with a grin. "I know you want to know what happened to us, but I think you've got a much better story." He brought up a hand and moved a stray curl, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I want to know you're okay."

Hazel sighed, closing her hand into a fist and shutting her eyes. A laugh escaped her lips. How could she tell him she'd been distraught? How was it possible for her to admit that each day her hope for their return ebbed away? She couldn't look Jasper in the eyes and tell him the nights when everything got too much for her even to weep.

"Hazel." The girl turned her head at Alice's voice. She was relieved to see the girl who had disappeared for over an hour.

"How is he?" Hazel inquired immediately. She headed over to Alice, her green eyes studying the girl's face.

"He's stable." Hazel didn't relax at her words. She could feel a 'but' coming. "But there was a problem." Alice frowned, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to figure out exactly how to phrase her sentence. "He... Anthony lost a finger during the accident and--and he lost his vision in one of his eyes. It was too badly damaged."

"Oh, " Hazel spoke. "I--I--I mean, it--it could be worse, right? It could be a lot worse. He's alive. That's all that matters. As long as he's alive." Despite her glossy eyes, Hazel managed to smile.

"Yeah," Alice smiled, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "Yeah, he's alive."

"He's going to be talking about this for weeks," Hazel laughed. "He's going to go back to school and brag to all his friends that he's cool because he's missing a finger." She sniffled, grinning widely.

"He's tough," Jasper smiled, gently placing his hand on the small of Hazel's back. She nodded, chuckling at the comment.

"Hazel!" Anthony grinned widely at the sight of his sister. Christian turned his head to his best friend, standing immediately. One was ecstatic; the other was just happy to see the girl after her two-day silence.

"He was wondering when you'd come around," the teen boy smiled, pulling Hazel into a one-armed hug. "I was, too."

"Sis, look!" Anthony raised his bandaged hand. Hazel noticed the blue cast on his arm already covered in scribble. "All my friends think my hand's cool! And they all signed my cast!"

Hazel smiled widely at her brother. "Did you save a space for me?" She inquired. She stepped closer to the boy, kneeling beside him.

"I told them to," he replied, pointing to a space on the blue cast. Hazel peered at it, finding a fair amount of space empty. "I have a marker over there. Chris, can you give it to me?"

"Anything, little bud," Christian smiled, grabbing the texter from the bedside table. He handed it to the boy, who then gave it to his sister. "So, Haz, what have you been doing for the past two days?"

Hazel glanced up at her friend as she uncapped the marker. "I had some things to do quickly while Anthony was out. I wanted to see him once he was awake." The girl scribbled down her name, putting a coloured-in heart beside it. "I missed you, though." Hazel ruffled the boy's hair.

"What happened to your hand?" Anthony frowned, staring at her bandaged hand. Hazel lifted it, toying with the edge of the cloth. "Did you get hurt?"

"Just a cut on my hand, " Hazel replied, "I tripped and hurt myself in a rock." She shot the boy a reassuring smile.

"Hazel? Can I talk to you outside?" Christian motioned to the door. Hazel nodded, pressing a kiss to her brother's head before following her friend. Christian shut the door before rounding one the girl. "I know they're back. If they did this--"

"It was Victor," Hazel replied.

"What?" Christian frowned. "Victor?"

"Someone turned him. I really did trip and cut my hand, but these--" she lifted the bottom of her shirt, displaying the bruise on her spine "--that was all Victor's doing. He attacked me, and I barely got away."


I guess I have one thing to thank the Cullens for," Christian sighed. "They got rid of Victor?"

"Erm, actually," Hazel glanced around, "I did."

"What? How?"

"Remember the blue stuff I showed you?" Christian nodded. "It was that. I--" she stopped, trying to think about how to tell him "--I think I lost control." She couldn't say any more. She couldn't tell him about the voices she'd heard. "It must have been my emotions."

"As long as you're okay," Christian smiled, ruffling the curls on Hazel's head. "Does this mean the other bloodsuckers are back?"

"No," Hazel shook her head. "Just Alice and Jasper."

"They'll be back soon, then," Christian groaned. "Let me just bathe in the lack of their presence for a moment; then we can go back in." Christian paused, inhaling deeply, but his nose scrunched up. "You smell gross."

Hazel laughed, opening the door again. "That's what Alice told me yesterday. She made me take three showers before I could walk around the house."

"Alice is back?" Anthony asked, his face lighting up at the girl's name. "Does that mean Emmett's back?"

"Not yet, Anthony, " Hazel smiled. "Come on; I can try to find a movie for us to watch."

"Yeah!" Anthony cheered.

A/N: i had a dream that Emmett and Anthony were best friends and now i can't unthink it, so expect that in the future.

we're so close to the end of new moon, and deadass kind of want Hazel to give Edward a kick in the ass when he comes back. she's gonna hear and be like 'imbecile. what a dumbass'.

anyway, have a good day! leave a comment if you wish and farewell! :)

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