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Everything happened in only a few short moments. As Bella attempted to open her gift she managed to get a paper cut. Hazel's eyes widened as she watched the small drop of blood form. Her eyes flicked to Jasper as his entire body moved away from her. Her hands flew out to stop him. She called his name, but he didn't hear.

Edward pushed Bella back, causing her to smash into the table behind them. This broke several things and there was even more blood. Jasper lunged at the same time. Carlisle and Emmett went to block him, but Hazel, for once, was quicker.

Hazel ran out and let the familiar mass of energy fly from her palms. It encased Jasper, pausing him momentarily. The girl flicked her wrist, sending him hurling backwards into a wall. Rosalie, Emmett and Esme rushed to drag the unconscious male from the room. This left Alice and Hazel, both in slight shock, a frustrated Edward, an injured Bella and Carlisle, who tended to her wounds.

"I'm sorry," Alice whimpered. Her gaze was locked on Carlisle doctoring Bella's injuries. "I can't do this." She quickly ran out after the others.

"Edward, go," Carlisle told the boy. When he didn't move, the doctor spoke again. "You're the only one Jasper will listen to." Edward paused for another second before exiting as well.

"I'm going to go talk to Alice." Carlisle nodded as the girl left the room.

Hazel ran out to the grass. Edward was having a conversation with a now conscious, clearly distraught Jasper. Esme, Rosalie and Emmett stood close by, ready to grab him at a moment's notice.

Hazel's eyes turned to Alice. She was a good distance away from the others and was staring at her feet. She glanced over to Hazel when she drew closer before turning back to her feet. Hazel stopped right beside her.

"How are you?" Hazel asked quietly. She was met with silence. "You were strong. That's good. And, you couldn't have..." She paused, rethinking her words. "Nevermind." Hazel turned her gaze to her feet, too.

"You should be more concerned about yourself," Alice spoke up after a moment. "You sent out that energy within an instant. I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little surprised to see you still on your feet." Alice's eyes wandered to the girl beside her. The presence of the energy was still radiating off her in thick waves.

"You can thank Rosalie and Emmett," Hazel replied with a grin. "They've helped me with my control over it ever since the incident with James."

"That's good," Alice smiled. Her golden eyes moved to the tree line. "You said you'd known about it since you were thirteen. Do you mind if I ask how?"

"Mmh," Hazel shook her head. She twiddled her fingers around before she began speaking. "I got into a fight with Christian once. I just remember being so angry with him..."


"Argh! I hate you!" A thirteen-year-old Hazel screamed. The long-haired boy stood in shock as she slammed her bedroom door in his face. "I really, really hate you!" She cried.

She could hear his muffled apologies on the other side of the door but she refused to open it. Her blood boiled and her eyebrows were deeply furrowed in anger. She huffed and stomped over to her bed. She eyes stayed glued to the one plain section of her wall. She was so deeply concentrated she didn't hear her door open.

"Hazel." Christian's hand barely brushed over her shoulder before she whipped around to push him away.

"Go. Away!" She screamed. She pushed him, but instead of him stumbling back, he flew across her room. Hazel watched in terror as he hit her wall, crumpling to the ground. "Christian? Christian!"


"I dislocated his shoulder and he had a concussion," Hazel told her. She let out a breathy laugh. "I can't even remember what we were fighting about."

"Wow," Alice breathed. "I understand now why you kept it a secret." She held out her hand to Hazel, who happily took it and held it tightly.

"Bella's been stitched up," Esme informed the two as she walked over to them. "Jasper should still be watched, however. How are you two feeling?" She inquired.

"Better," they replied in sync, causing them to giggle. Esme smiled and headed back inside.

"We should go check on Jas," Alice suggested. Hazel nodded and followed Alice back into the house.

Upstairs, the two girls found the blonde male with his head in his hands, sitting on the floor of his room. Alice walked in first, slowly sitting herself beside him. Hazel noted the interior was mainly bare. Being in Jasper's room made Hazel do a flip, as she'd never been in there before.

"Hazel, it's okay," Alice spoke up. She beckoned the curly-haired girl to join them.

"I'm sorry," Hazel started off, "about what I did. Did I hurt you?"

He shook his head.

" I should be the one to apologize," he muttered. His usual calm voice was laced with guilt and sadness even his southern accent couldn't mask. He looked up finally, revealing coal dark eyes instead of golden ones. "When you jumped out in front of me, I wasn't focused on Bella. I couldn't control my thoughts. I–" he turned away in pain, "I wanted to hurt you. I–I just, I–"

"Jas, It's okay," Alice whispered. She placed her hand on top of his. "I know you would never hurt Hazel."

"But what if I did?"

Hazel grabbed his arm. He turned her way and she looked him dead in the eyes.

"Jasper," she started, her voice low, "I trust you. You wouldn't hurt a fly if you didn't have to." The boy chuckled.

"I really don't think you know what I'm capable of," he smiled. Hazel did too when his eyes turned back to their usual gold. She pressed her lips too he cold cheek.

"I think I know exactly what you're capable of."

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