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"She rode off with this random dude?" Christian almost spat out the tea he was drinking when he heard the tale from Hazel. "The hell is wrong with her?"

Hazel shrugged, wondering that herself. "I didn't like the look she had in her eyes though, Chris. It was almost as if she was warning someone that wasn't there to stop her, like she'd seen a ghost or something."

Hazel sat at Christian's small dining table with him only a few days after said incident had occured. The pair were sitting having lunch together as they discussed the events. Of course Hazel had to tell him everything. She needed someone to vent to. Valentina was in the kitchen, listening in on the story as well as she made her own sandwich.

"Hey, isn't that Bella's truck?" Christian and Hazel paused their conversation and looked over to Valentina. The girl's gaze was glued to the outside of the window in front of her. "It is! And I think there's something on the back of it."

Christian and Hazel shared a look before getting up and heading to stand with Valentina. The trio stared out the window that overlooked the drive up, right at Bella's truck looking as old as Billy Black. Billy's son, Jacob Black, had joined Bella, too. 

"Holy shit," Hazel awed as Jacob pulled the white sheet covering the mystery objects, "Bella's got bikes."

Hazel and the couple stared in complete wonder as Jacob pulled one off the back with ease. Him and Bella exchanged a few words before the two of them began to head towards the large shed. Hazel immediately wanted to follow them.

"What are you doing?" Christian asked when he noticed his friend stepping towards the door.

"Obviously I'm going to see what Bella and Jacob are up to," Hazel replied with a shrug, not giving time for the other two to say anything else as she ran out of the home. She followed Bella and Jacob, slowing her pace so she could frighten them with her sudden appearance.

She strolled into the old building to find Bella and Jacob. Jacob was kneeled on the ground as he pulled apart the vehicle. Hazel knocked on the door, startling the two of them.

"Need some help?" She cocked her head, ignoring the curls that fell into her face as she stepped in closer.

"Hazel!" The surprise to see the girl was extremely evident on Bella's face. "What are you doing here? Do you live on the Reserve, too?" Bella inquired.

If only," Jacob let out a small laugh. "She might as well, but no. Her best friend, Christian Smith lives here, in that house near the trees. Moone comes here a lot because of that."

"At least there's one less introduction I hve to do," Bella chuckled awkwardly. "So, Hazel, what do you know about motorcycles. I, uh, I never really pegged you to be the kind of girl to like them." Bella spoke.

"I've been riding bikes for years now. Even before I came to Forks, pretty much." Hazel smiled, remembering a distant memory. "I actualy taught your old buddy Jacob here how to ride 'em and care for 'em. He's a natural at both."

"Yeah, but only because I had to keep fixing your bike for you, Moone," the boy narrowed his eye, but couldn't help but smile. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"Wait, Hazel, you own a motorcycle?" Bella gaped at the girl, astounded by the sudden discovery.

"Owned, Hazel corrected, her smile turning to a crestfallen expression. "Poor baby yee'd her last haw a couple months into Junior year. I had to scrap her, recycle her into other things. Heartbreaking, it was." Hazel sighed, kicking at the dirt on the ground.

Bella's laugh cut through the silence, and Hazel looked up with raised brow. "I think you've spent to much time hanging around Jasper..." they all quietened. "...Sorry," Bella muttered.

"it's all good, Bells," Hazel shot the girl a smile, brushing off the comment. "So you guys are fixing these bikes, huh? I guess you realy have become an adrenaline junkie."

"What?" Jacob frowned, his eyes flicking to Bella. Bella shot Hazel a look.

"It's nothing to worry about, Jake," Bella reassured him. "It's just that Hazel's 47 with bad jokes." Jacob and Bella both chuckled slightly. Hazel shot them both an expression of confusion. "It's a thing we were talking about before," Bella explained to her.

"Yeah, see, Bella's got this strange thing with age, now," Jacob commented, chuckling at his friend.

"Trust me Jacob," Hazel smiled, her eyes zapping with blue, "I know."


A/N: This was a bad chapter, ew. I wrote it in like five minutes, but I'll make sure to go back and fix it, I swear.

I never write author's notes bc I never know what to say, but do you want me to write some? I can start if you want.

Have a good day, and make sure you drink some water!

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