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Over the next week Hazel, Jacob and Bella continued to work on the bikes. Bella had kept her word, letting them do homework every now and then. The three continued to bond over the small period of time they shared. Christian, Valentina, Quil and Embry came by once or twice, too. Valentina made sure they all had something to eat while the other three mostly came over to annoy them and joke around. The trio didn't mind the change in company however, though Jacob seemed to dislike when Christian would make his appearances the girls noted.

And, as the days went by, Bella and Hazel seemed to become closer. Hazel had even let Bella help with fixing the bikes. Of course, she only let her do the simple and easy tasks, but the pair were glad.

During that time Hazel continued to write to Jasper and Alice. It was almost obsessive for the girl, but she made sure to not let it consume her free time. She told them about the bikes, and the solo training for her her powers she did at the Cullen household, even though it wasn't as good as when she had help. Hazel wrote to them about Anthony's Batman-themed tenth birthday, and how the young boy was sad that they couldn't be there to celebrate too.

'Alice, Jasper' she wrote, sitting on the floor at the edge of the bed.

'I wonder how you've been. It's been a few days since I last worte, which is normal, but it feels like forever. I blame it on the motorcycles we're building, which is going great, by the way.

I've gotten better with my powers. Not by much, but it's a start. I've learnt that it's more than just those small bursts of energy. It's like a whole system in my body, humming with life, waiting to be released. I don't know how I know, but I do. I can feel it. I've been trying to access it slowly, starting with things only a little more complicated than the bursts of energy. I've been trying to shape it. The more I concentrate, the more power I can feel.

Tell Esme I've been cleaning the house for her. I haven't touched the rooms, though, so n one can get mad. I just don't want there to be dust collecting on everything and making everything look bad for when you come back. I'm not going to lie to you, but sometimes I go to make Alice's bed, even though no one's slept in it for ages.

I almost forgot to tell, but Jasper, I found--'


Hazel stopped writing and looked up. She turned her gaze to the phone beside her. Bella was calling. Placing the pen and pad of paper down, she grabbed the phone and answered.

"Yello?" She greeted.

"Uh, Hazel. Hi," Bella replied awkwardly. "Um, Jacob and I were going to take the bikes for a little ride today. You want to join?"

"Of course!" Hazel answered excitedly, a grin forming on her face.

Twenty minutes later and Hazel was stuck uncomfortably between Jacob and Bella in the girl's red truck. Jacob seemed to be anoyed, but chose not to say anything. Bella had picked up Hazel on the side of the road near the edge of town, and chose not to question it.

"Thanks for letting me get my license, Bells," Hazel smiled, hoping she could fill the silence. After Jacob told her that she and Bella would have 'joint custody' of it, she felt ecstatic. "So, where are we headed, anyway?"

"A dirt track not too far from the Rez," Jacob replied. "You know, I'm glad I remembered that trick you showed me ages ago. It really did work so now these babies are gonna be running smoothly."

"See, I told you I knew what I was doing!" Hazel smiled. "But I supposed I owe it to you for teaching me all you know about motorcycles anyway."

Hazel and Jacob continued to converse about the motorcycles as Bella drove in silence. It was clear that she wasn't paying attention to them. Then, out of nowhere, Bella hit the brakes and swerved to the side of the road. Hazel gasped in shock at her actions as the pale girl clambered out.

"Did you just see that?" Bella asked in a panicked state, turning back to Hazel and Jacob as they climbed out from the car.

The pair turned their gaze to the cliff where Bella had been looking moments ago. In the distance, right at the top, Hazel could see who she thought was Sam Uley. Even from the distance she could recognize Christian was with him, so she assumed that Sam and his other followers were there.

"They're not really fighting, Bella. They're cliffdiving," Jacob explained with a laugh. "Scary as hell, but a total rush." Hazel honestly was not surprised with what the boy was saying. 

"A rush?" Hazel could hear Bella ask as another of the boys jumped. 

"Most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples." Hazel could hear the venom laced in his words as he spoke the last sentence. She was pretty sure she could feel it, too.

"You have some kind of beef with him or something?" Bella queried as she turned back to the pair. Hazel turned her gaze to the younger boy as she raised a brow.

"I don't know," he replied. "They just think they run this place." Hazel looked back, watching the remaining boys. "Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him."

"That's Embry?" Bella was in disbelief.

"What?" Hazel frowned, noting the way he'd cut off his hair. She hummed, he seemed to be having a great time hanging out with them.

"Yeah," Jacob sounded solemn, and Hazel couldn't help but feel bad.

"What happened to him?" Bella inquired.

"He missed some school. Now, all of a sudden, he started following Sam around like a little puppy," Jacob explained. "Same thing happened with Paul and Jared... and Christian." He flicked his gaze to Hazel for just a moment. "Sam keeps giving me this look. Like he's waiting for me or something. It's kind of starting to freak me out."

Hazel turned her attention to the two remaining boys. Christian and Sam. The pair seemed to be talking with each other, but then Christian turned around. He stepped to the edge, the turned so his back was shown to the world, before crouching and leaping. He whooped as he did a flip in the air. Once he disappeared from sight Hazel wasted no time climbing back in the car.

Jacob and Bella seemed to exchange unspoken words with the look that they shared before Jacob turned and climbed back into the truck. Bella hesitated for a moment outside her door, watching as the final boy, Sam Uley, stepped up for his dive. It was simple, but even Hazel stared at him as he leapt off the edge, diving gracefully until he hit the water below.

A/N: two updates in one day?! whatt!! i'm a changed human being.

this is just a filler chapter, so she kinda stinky, but sometimes you gotta have those. next chapter just has to be typed, and it's just the motorcycle scene. but after that hazel is just gonna be done with bella's shit. hush hush tho... shhh

anyway! i hope you enjoyed this second update in a day. comments and questions are welcome! bye! :)

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