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"What was the verdict?" The coven of vampires tuned their attention to Hazel as she descended the stairs. The girl looked over each of them and frowned. "Shit, I missed Edward." She sighed in defeat, skipping the last stair and jumping onto the floor. "Anyways, Bella. What happened to her?"

"Everyone was in favour," Rosalie replied bitterly. Hazel nodded, taking her usual place beside Alice. "Of course."

"Bella's family now, Rose," Carlisle spoke. He turned his gaze to Hazel. "Do you mind if I have a word with you, please?"

"Sure," Hazel shrugged.

She followed after the doctor as he headed back up the stairs. They walked to the end, where Carlisle held the door open to a room Hazel hadn't gone into yet. As soon as she walked in, she knew it was his study. The bookshelves against the wall and the various papers littered over a large desk told her that immediately.

"I know it's silly, but I thought you might be more comfortable talking to me about this one-on-one," Carlisle spoke.

"And what exactly is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Hazel inquired, her confusion growing.

"The recent incident that occurred with Victor," he replied. His voice held a tone of wariness as he eyed the girl for any sign of distress. When she didn't react, he continued. "Alice and Jasper told me what happened. Everything that they were there for, at least."

"And you want me to recount what I experienced, right?" Hazel sighed, taking a seat in one of the chairs near where she stood.

"Yes, but no." Hazel frowned and raised her eyebrow. "I want to know what happened, of course, but what, moreso, happened with you." He explained, emphasizing his final word.

"Of course," Hazel nodded.

"I just thought it might be a way for us to be able to understand you more, as well as your ability. Find out what you are, I suppose." Hazel already knew what this was about as soon as the doctor brought up Victor. "Of course, if you're uncomfortable with doing it, we don't have--"

"It's fine, Carlisle," Hazel shrugged. "Is there any specific part you wanted to start at, or...?"

"There's one detail in Alice and Jasper's story that's been bugging me," Carlisle took a seat on the chair opposite the teenager, "they said that you were screaming and clutching your ears. Hazel, what were you hearing?"

Hazel froze. Carlisle's golden eyes stared into her green ones as he waited for her answer. She swallowed down the lump that formed in her throat, unsure of what to say. The way they sat reminded her of another doctor she visited when she was a child. Asking the same questions. Talking to her with the same demeanor as the vampire in front of her. The images, both of the other doctor and of what happened to Victor flashes in her head like a movie going at twenty times speed. She couldn't think before her words came tumbling out of her mouth.

"I see dead people."

Carlisle didn't react. Hazel blinked as the realisation of what she'd just said hit her. Her hand came to cover her mouth as she watched the doctor, silently cursing herself.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Carlsile's tone wasn't angry. More like he believed he was treading on thin ice, and kept his voice cautious and concerned.

"I forgot all about them. I've always heard them, so I've learnt how to suppress the voices to the point where I can tune them out without even thinking about it. I mean, I ignored them if they appeared and they eventually knew to leave me alone," Hazel explained. She shrugged, unsure of what to tell him. Suddenly her curls seemed extremely entertaining. "After not hearing or seeing them for so long the whole incident with Victor led me to have a sensory overload of sorts."

"And can you hear them now?"

Hazel paused, listening. "A little, but only because all the other noise is blocking them out. If you placed me in an area with no sound whatsoever I would be able to hear them better. The subconscious wall I've built stops them."

"And this wall," Hazel cringed, he was sounding more and more like her previous doctor by the minute, "if I asked you to, do you think you could bring it down?"

"Why?" Hazel's eyebrows knitted together.

"Hypothetically, of course, because they might be able to tell you what you are. Who your parents are, even," Carlisle suggested offhandedly. "But, again, if I did ask, do you think it might be possible?"

"Considering that I can feel how unstable the wall is, I would say there's a likely chance," Hazel replied. "I don't think it would be safe, though."

"So, could you try?" Carlisle paused for a moment, his gaze flicking to the door. "Trust me." Another moment of silence, then he turned his attention back to Hazel. "You don't have to, Hazel."

"No, no, I want to," Hazel shook her head. She stood up, her eyes darting around the office space. "Could we move it outside, though? I don't want to end up having another breakdown and destroying this place. Or killing you."

"Yes," Carlisle nodded, standing up as well. "Let's go."

Carlisle and Hazel headed out of the doctor's study. Hazel nervously rubbed her arm as she thought about what might happen. She didn't want to accidentally injure someone. And the thought of letting the voices and ghosts that haunted her for most of her life seemed terrifying by itself.

They reunited with the rest of the vampire family, and Alice quickly wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. Hazel smiled at her, swinging her arm over Alice's shoulder. She pressed a kiss to her forehead, then to Jasper's cheek when they stepped beside him. The six-month absence of the Cullens left Hazel slightly more touch-starved than she cared to admit. So, with the attention she was currently getting, she felt much better, and was going to soak up whatever she could. 

Rosalie watched the three, and Hazel offered her a smile. The blonde smiled back, but was evidently still bitter about Bella. She and Emmett headed off up the stairs as the others headed out to the front of the Cullen's home

"Remember," Alice spoke up, "we're here if you need us. And if you just want to be left alone, you can just say so."

"I'll give you a shout if I need you," Hazel smiled.

"You don't want to be let alone, do you?" Jasper commented, his southern accent sending chills down the girl's spine, sensing her nerves.

"No, I really don't."

"It's okay, we'll stay out there with you." Jasper took Hazel's hand in his own and gently squeezed. "I can tell Carlisle we'll call him if we need him, okay?" Hazel nodded.

"Thank you."

Fin: New Moon 

A/N: and that, my dear readers, is the end of new moon. not to fret! eclipse is going into this book as well! however, because i haven't gotten that much sorted for eclipse, this book will be on short hold until further notice.

this is the space where you can ask any questions if anyone has any.

also, just going to add here that hazel's 'energy' is actually just super compressed blue fire, so it looks like some blue energy, but it isn't. that's why it doesn't stay connected to her body once she launches it, like how i imagine energy would. that's probably useless info, tho.

until next time, dear friends! comment, vote, and fare thee well!

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