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It had been almsot a week since Bella's small incident on the motorcycle. Jacob had taken her to see Doctor Snow, who had given the girl several stitches in her head. Bella had also informed Hazel that the lie of her hitting her head on a hammer had fallen to pieces, and so she'd told Charlie that she had gone hiking around La Push instead.

Hazel, on the on the Saturday after the incident, was caught up shopping with her brother and her mother. Usually her mother was fine shopping alone, but she had convinced Anthony to come, thus enticing Hazel to come, by saying she would get a treat for them afterwards. Due to Anthony's excitement about the treat, Hazel also couldn't help but feel excited.


Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. BZZT! She grabbed her phone from her pocket. BZZT! Bella's name appeared on the screen, so Hazel quickly answered the call.

"One second," she whispered to her brother, holding up a finger to her mother as well. "Hello?"

"Hiya, Hazel," Jacob's cheery tone came through the speaker.

"Oh, hi Jacob," Hazel smiled, slightly surprised it was the boy. "What's up?"

"Bella and I were planning on trying her luck with the bikes again." Hazel frowned at the idea. "She asked me to call you and see if you wanted to come by and help me help her?" Hazel could hear the slightly desperate tone in his voice, and could picture that exact emotion on his face.

"I would come now," she sighed, "but I'm out shopping with my mum and brother. If it's cool, maybe I could come down once we're done and help? I'll give you a call beforehand, too."

"Hold on," Jacob spoke. The other end went silent for a moment or two before the boy's voice came back. "Bella's and I are okay with it. So, we'll see you soon?"

"Hopefully," Hazel answered. "Bye Jacob."

"Bye, Hazel." A beep and then the dial tone.

"Sis, who was that?" Anthony inquired. He took his sister's hand in his and dragger her to the next aisle where their mother had wandered off.

"It was just Jacob," she replied with a smile. The girl grabbed something off the top that her mother couldn't reach. "He and Bella were asking me if I wanted to hang out with them at the Reservation."

"Is it safe up there?" Anthony queried. "Because there's forest right by it, and my friends told me that there's a mutant bear running around in it."

"Honestly, I don't think you have to worry, Tony," Hazel laughed, bending down and placing a hand on her brother's shoulder. "With the way Jacob's built I feel like he could knock out that bear with one punch." Anthony began to giggle as well, and Hazel straightened up, turning back around. "Oh, shit. Where'd Mum go?"

After the call, it had taken Hazel another half an hour to finish all the shopping, collect her surprise -- which had turned out to be Mr Cameron's specialty ice cream -- and then take all the shopping home and put it away. She immediately told Jacob that if they were still up aslt the Rez she was available. Luckily, Bella and Jacob were still there. And, within another fifteen minutes, Bella's truck pulled up at her home.

"Remember that you have to use the hand brake," Hazel spoke to Bella as the girl flicked the gas. "It's not a car anymore. You have no foot brake. You use your foot and you won't stop."

"Okay, Hazel," Bella groaned. "Can I go now?" She glanced at Jacob then to the curly-haired girl. Hazel lifted her hands in response and backed away.

Bella revved the engine before slowly releasing the clutch. Hazel watched, anticipating the worst for the girl. Thanfully Bella successfully went up the track and came back unscathed. Hazel didn't even have to remind her about her brake. Hazel's grin was full of pride.

"No," Bella muttered, and Hazel's expression flipped to a frown. "No," she repeated.

"Bella?" Hazel's eyebrows furrowed as she stepped closer to the pale girl, seeing her panicked expression. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I--I can't see him anymore," she replied, slightly out of it. The curly-haired girl cocked her head. "I can't see him."

"See who?" Hazel inquired, placing her hand on Bella's shoulder. "Who can't you see, Bella?" She pressed when Bella didn't do anything. She was concerned for the girl.

"Ed--" Bella stopped herself, "I mean, I used to be able to see... someone whenever I did something dangerous and stupid. Whenever I got a rush of adrenaline from doing something rash." Bell akept her voice low, making sure that Jacob couldn't hear. "But, I--I can't see him anymore."

Hazel's body quivered. Her jaw clenched as she held her fists by her side. "Bella, this isn't healthy!" The girl whisper-shouted in a stern tone. "If this is your..." she sputtered, trying to find the right words, "...your coping mechanism for them being gone, then you really need to find a better hobby!" Hazel's temper rose, with her voice following close behind.

'But I can see him, Hazel," Bella grabbed the girl, tugging her further away from Jacob's prying eyes. "I can see hime and hear him. That's my coping mechanism. Maybe you could give it a try. If you did, you'd probably see Jasper and Alice! Then it won't seem like they abandoned--"


Dead silence followed the noise. Bella and Jacob stared in shock at Hazel. The girl herself pulled her hands away from her cheeks, unsure whether the tears in her eyes were from the same pain or not. She lifted a finger at the brunette girl in front of her, the fire in her eyes burning brightly. Bella's face dropped when she spotted a familiar blue spark through the green.

"How dare you," Hazel hissed out. "You have no idea what I need. If it were possible I'm sure Carlisle would have been happy to take me. Because, Bella Swan, I actually have issues that the Cullens can help with, and even semi-relate to. And I think you and I both know that you're pathetic for letting yourself become swallowed in this hole of pity and despair becuase you can't see your creepy bloody boyfriend. Other people are suffering too, Bella. Me, because I lost not one but two people I love. Charlie because he's so bloody worried about you. Jacob, too, because you're being so distant."

Hazel glared down at the girl, feeling incredibly overjoyed by the slight height advantage she had. She didn't dare move her hand to wipe the tears form her face, letting them sit on her cheeks instead. She had absolutely  no idea where all her rage had come from, but she was thankful to let it all out. It could have been because she bottled up her feelings for so long. Or maybe it was because Bella had just been so annoying and acted like everyone was dead. Hazel could have just been jealous. After all, Bella was a normal human and she wasn't, forced to hide herself from even her mother and brother.

"I'm gonna go," Hazel scoffed with a sniffle. She headed away from Bella, grabbing her jacket that sat on Jacob's bike. "I'll ask Val to drive me, don;t worry." She told Jacob when the boy opened his mouth to speak.

A/N: some of y'all might hate hazel but it had to be said. i have a question, tho. how do you think her and alice and jasper will be reunited? just curious.

as usual, i hope you enjoyed! if you want, leave a comment/question and i'll try to reply. bye :)

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