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Almost a month had passed since Hazel had received the news that Victoria was back in town. Sam made sure to keep her updated on the situation as best as he could. Each time she wanted to pry for more details, anything extra, but he always quickly cut her off.

She, being as close as she was with Christian, thought she might have to inform Sam and the others about her unique abilities. She wasn't sure how she would explain, seeing as there wasn't exactly an origin for her to tell them about. Luckily, when she'd asked Christian if Sam wanted to know anything else, he quickly told her no. She was thankful because she had zero idea how she was going to explain the blue energy and the strange—

"You're Bella, right?" Hazel snapped back into reality, blinking once as she focused on Minnie and Kassie, who were both look in the same direction. Hazel turned, too, and noticed Bella Swan standing at their table.

"Bella! Hey!" She greeted with a grin. "Would you like to sit with us? Chris is sick today, so you're more than welcome to."

Bella shook her head, glancing at the two other girls, before shifting uncomfortably on her feet. "I—uh, I was actually wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with me tonight? It's a bit sudden, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a girl's night out." She anxiously scratched the back of her head. "Jessica is coming, too. We're going to see 'The Dead Come Back'."

"Oh yeah, sure. I'd love to, um," she couldn't help but glance to Kassie and Minnie, but they urged her on. Hazel couldn't help but feel happy that Beola was talking to her again. "Yeah, okay. What time should I meet you guys at the theatre?"

"Uh, 6:30 should be good." Hazel smiled as Bella nodded.

"Great!" Hazel clasped her hands together. "I guess I'll see you and Jessica tonight, then." Bella nodded once more, looking unsure of what to do, before she scurried off.


"I dont know why you want to sit through all those monsters eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody," Jessica complained. Sure, Hazel did think the movie was shit, but Jessica was seriously getting on her nerves. "It's gross, like... Why are there so many zombie movies anyway? Is it supposed to draw a parallel to leprosy? My cousin had leprosy. It's not funny, you know?"

Hazel began to zone out, not caring any more about what Jessica had to rant about as they left the building. Hazel, instead, could only remember the outing she'd had with the Cullen's a year prior. She suddenly felt extremely grateful towards Alice and Jasper as she remembered their help during her time of need.

As she thought, Hazel realised she'd begun to watch Bella. She knew immediately that there was something else on her mind. She glanced back to Jessica, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes when she saw the girl was still talking.

"Though I was surprised when you even called at all, you know?" She turned to Bella. "Like, your depression thing, I get it. Im totally, totally worried." Hazel had to force back a scoff. "But after a while, it's like, you're still bumming? I'm going through stuff, too."

Hazel narrowed her eyes at Jessica, sending the girl a mental message to shut up. Her attention was torn away, however, when she heard the group of men outside a bar calling out to them. Her green eyes flicked to Bella, who was staring them down as they looked on from their motorbikes.

"Bells?" She asked in a whisper, her head cocked as she completely forgot about Jessica. "Bella, what are you thinking?" Hazel disliked the look that resided on Bella's face.

Bella continued to stare, as if recalling something. Suddenly she gasped and jumoed back. She stared at a spot in front of her as if she was watching something. The pale girl seemed to snap out of it when Jessica moved to stand in front of Bella.

Jessica searched Bella's eyes. "Dude, come on." Bella scoffed and looked to the men once more.

Bella Swan, don't you dare, Hazel thought.

"I think I know those guys," Bella spoke, and Hazel felt the urge to grab the girl and pull her in the other direction. Jessica looked from her friend to the men.

"We've got beer. We've got bikes!" One of the males called up to the trio.

Hazel stepped beside Jessica, her arms crossed as she shot the males a death glare. She only turned her gaze back to Jessica when she spoke.

"Well, they seem great. Can we go?" Jessica gave Bella a pleading look.

"I'm just gonna see something," Bella hadn't even given the girls time to argue before she was already stepping away.

"Bella!" Hazel called. "Bella, get back here!" Hazel began to follow, turning back to becon Jessica to join. Jessica only stared dumbfounded after her friend. "My god." She groaned.

Hazel whipped around when Bella gasped once more. She stopped, slowly turning back to Hazel's relief. However, it was short-lived as Bella stopped and headed down again, walking right uo to the guys.

"Bella Swan, you idiot." Hazel almost marched right over, had it not been for Jessica's hand grasping her arm.

"You can't leave me alone here!" Jessica whined. Hazel grumboed under her breath before standing next to her again. She looked back just as Bella clambered onto the dangerous vehicle.


Hazel stared down the street, Jessica still hanging off her sleeve. As soon as they saw Bella Jessica let go, immediately heading to the longer-haired girl.

"Hey, um, what the hell's wrong with you?" She all but spat venom with her words as Bella rejoined them. "Just curious?" She pressed.

The three began to walk back up. Hazel noted the look that Bella threw back.

"I thought I saw something," Bella explained. Hazel sighed, hanging her head.

"You... Oh," Jessica spoke simply. "You're insane, actually, or suicidal. That homeboy could have been a psycho. I was about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame TV show."

"God," Hazel couldn't help but snicker. Jessica was much more annoying than she'd thought, and their twenty minutes together had confirmed that.

"God, that was such a rush," Bella breathed, ignoring the pair.

"Awesome, so you're an adrenaline junkie now? That's cool. You can go bungee jumping. You don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle," Jessica scoffed. "Crazy!"

Bella slowed down, and Hazel took the opportunity to put her hand on Bella's shoulder. She wanted to speak, but couod only give Bella a look of disappointment before following after Jessica.

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