Part 1

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I was waken up from my slumber due to people jumping on me. When my vision cleared, who did I see? Joey, Jen, Jack, and Dawson, my dearest best friends. The friends who pulls me back into reality. They all crowded my bed as I covered my face with my pillow. I was a complete mess. The past week has been hell for me. My boyfriend had broken up with me for some perky, blonde cheerleader who's name was Mandy or Mindy or whatever her name was. I haven't left my room since the breakup.

"Come on, sleepyhead! Get up!" Dawson shouted as he pulls the pillow I have been suffocating on away from my touch. "Go away. Leave me be. Just one more day just let me have ONE more day!" I begged. However, none of my begs or pleads worked. "No more moping around. It's been a week. It's the first day of school. I will not allow you to mope around and destroy yourself over a boy that has less than a single brain cell!" Jack stated. "Besides, now maybe you and that blonde boy can get together." The Potter girl stated with a smug look on her face. I give her a confused look. "Huh? What blonde boy?" I asked completely clueless. They all look at each other and stare at me and yell "GUY GERMAINE"

"Are you guys still on this? I hate the kid and he hates me!" I state as I roll my eyes. They ignore my comment and carried me off of my bed. "OKAY OKAY I'll get ready" I groaned and dragged myself to my bathroom. Hmmm all I can think about is how LONG this day is gonna be.

                          (Y/N'S outfit for the day)

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(Y/N'S outfit for the day)


Guy's POV:

It was just a regular morning. I got ready for our first day of school. -How lovely! Yay school!- I thought as I kiss my parents goodbye. As I was walking to school for my sophomore year thinking about how this year will turn out, I hear my best friends, Averman and Jesse, yelling my name. I look back to see them jogging towards me. "Ready to see the love of your life?" Jesse asks, smirking. I look at them already knowing who they were talking about. Averman taunts me saying "So are ya? To see the beautiful face that belongs to Y/N Y/L/N?" I smack his head and roll my eyes. We all continued to talk on our way to school.

                       (Guy's outfit for the day)

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(Guy's outfit for the day)


Third person POV:

Both Guy and Y/N had separated from their friends and are walking to find their lockers. They were clueless to who their locker neighbors would be. They both had arrived to their lockers, not realizing who is standing next to them. They quickly got what they needed and unpacked what they didn't need. They finished their task and as they close their lockers, they turn to the side to bump into each other. As they were getting the things they had dropped, they both continuously apologized to each other, still not recognizing each other. They both look up and lock eyes.

As they saw who they bumped into, they yelled "YOU!"

Authors note:
So here is chapter 1 my first very chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now