Part 5

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I can't believe what I just did. I kissed him. Guy?! As in Guy Germaine, the guy who hates me. If I am being honest, it was a pretty good kiss. I enjoyed it. He probably didn't. I mean I don't hate him but he hates me? I spent the whole day thinking about what I should do. I felt a pit in my stomach. I sent him a note asking him to talk and he just nods.

After school ends, I told my best friends not to wait for me today. I told them what I was planning to do. They walked with me out of school. We all soon see the blonde boy standing there. "There's your Prince Charming, princess." Joey Potter points out. I just sarcastically smile at her and walk up to him.

"Hey." I tell him. He turns around and awkwardly smiles at me saying hey back. We were standing there in silence. "Should we walk home?" Guy asks. Our houses are right across each other so we walk the same way. "Oh uh yea sure." There's more silence for a little while. "Look I'm sorry about kissing you. I kinda panicked and you were there and without thinking, and well you know what happened next. I know you hate me an-" I was cut off by Guy. "Woah woah woah slow down. Number one, it's fine. Seriously it's fine. And second, I have been meaning to apologize. I have no excuses for the way I acted. Heck I don't even know why I've been hating on you. I'm sorry. Really sorry." I giggle a little bit. I put my hand forward and ask him "Why not start over? Friends?" He smiles and takes my hand shaking it "I'd love to".


Guy's POV:

Oh god. I had the biggest smile on my face. I probably look stupid but I'm just glad we are friends now. We continued to walk home. We got to know each other. I learned that she is more of a musical type. Unlike me, I'm clearly the athlete type. She was actually amazing to talk to. I'm just glad we are okay now.  We parted ways and bid our farewells as we walked into our houses.

Authors note:

I'm not sure if this story is good. Should I continue?

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now