Part 4

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Guy's POV:

I stayed in the alley for a while. I was angry. Ive never seen her like this and I didn't like it. I don't know why I care so much. I made her hate me. I need to fix this. Should I go to her house? No. I should just do it at school. GOD what I would do to that guy. He hurt her. Wait- "GUY!" I hear a voice yell. My head shots up to see the Ducks staring at me. "What the hell are you doing here? Why aren't you home?" Our captain asks. "Got distracted. Felt like hanging here." I lied "you wanna come with us? We are going to Portman's house." Luis asks. "Oh yea sure."



"He just makes out with her in front of you?! What a guy" Jen sarcastically states. "Yes he did." I reply. "What did you do or say?" Dawson asks clearly intrigued. "All I said was 'Bite Me' before I confidently walked out of school." Jack changes the topic noticing how uncomfortable I am. "I heard Guy is your locker neighbor. How's that?" He asks while smirking. "Well we didn't really realize at first until we closed our lockers and bumped right into each other, dropping all of our things. We looked up seeing each other and glared at each other. I had no energy to argue with him so I just walked to class." I respond. "Shall I add that Guy was there when Riley pulled that dumb stunt." "What did he do?" Joey asked. "Nothing, he just watched." I simply respond.


Next week

Guy's POV:

I woke up, determined to fix my 'relationship' with y/n. -I need to apologize for acting the way I've been acting.- I put on my outfit and get all my things as I walk out of my house. I met up with Charlie and Adam. We talked and laughed all the way to school. Making all my nerves disappear.

                                    Guy's outfit

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Guy's outfit

Still Guy's POV:

I walk into school and head towards my locker. "Hi." I say to the girl beside me. I don't think she realized I was talking to her. I was about to call out her name then Mindy and y/n's dumb ex shows up in front of us. I don't know how it all happened. It all happened so fast. Next thing I know my lips were gently placed onto someone's. I realize it was y/n and what she was doing. I decided to help her and kiss back a little. We didn't hear the couple leave so we didn't stop.

We both pulled back to breathe, saying "woah" and we looked around to see the couple gone and students including our friends staring at us. I look at her and she looked back. She apologizes. I told her it's fine. She ran to her friends and I could hear them teasing her. I look at my friends and they were all smiling and smirking at me. "Shut it" I shout at them.

I'm in science class, writing down notes. Then I hear the door open. Who do I see? The girl who kissed me less than 3 hours ago. We see each other and immediately look down. Her schedule was changed. The only empty seat just had to be the one I was at. The desks are seated for two. She sits down not looking at me. I look at the board to watch the video presented but my mind kept going back to that kiss we shared. I found myself smiling. As I was thinking about it, she slid a note onto my notebook.

"Meet me outside of school later. I need to talk to you." -y/n

I look at her and nod.

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now