Part 13

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Guy's POV:

God! I can't get her out of my mind. Guy! You can't like her. Oh God I like her. I mean who could ever not like her. She's perfect. Beautiful smile, laugh, face and personality. I mean I've always known it. It's the whole reason I 'hated' her. But she couldn't ever possibly like me back, right?

I was on my way to school so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that y/n was right beside me trying to get my attention. Someone jumped on my back and it was y/n. That worked to snap me out of my thoughts. She jumps off me. "What the hell, dude?" I shouted. "What? I tried everything to snap you outta your thoughts. I even slapped you, bro." She tells me. "What were you thinking about anyway?" She asks. "Oh it's nothing important." I answer. "No tell me. I wanna know right here, right now." She demandingly says. "Ahaha nah." Then someone screams our names. Saved by Jesse. Thank you, man. I love you. "Yo what you talking about?" Charlie asks us. "Oh nothing." She says while eyeing me.

Charlie puts his arm around her shoulder and drags her away. I couldn't help but feel some type of way. I hadn't realized that I was glaring at them.



"Why's he staring at us like that?" Charlie asks me. "Huh who?" I ask. "Guy." I see in the corner of my eye the way he was glaring at us. I ignore it and change the subject. "How you feeling about the break-up?" I ask him. "Oh I'm fine." He says while putting his head down. I lift his head up and put my arm around his waist to comfort him. "It's gonna be okay. I'm sorry she broke up with you." I tell him. "Yea me too."

I've been noticing Guy glaring at Charlie and I but I decide to ignore it until the end of the day. His glares were getting weirder. By last period, his hands were in fists white as paper due to how strong his grip was. Charlie and I walk out of school and I see Guy sitting outside on the ground looking upset. I tell Charlie that I was gonna go do something and he should go first. He says ok and walks away. I walk to Guy.

"Guy?" I ask. "What's wrong?" I continue. He brings his head up and locks eyes with me and I began to sit down. "Nothing. I'm just tired." He says. "Be honest. I've noticed your constant glares in school today between Char and I." I say. "What- psh- I wasn't. What are you talking about?" He says nervously turning red. "Oh- were you jealous?" I ask jokingly getting closer to tease him. "What?! No I wasn't." He says turning redder by the second. I laugh. "I was joking. No need to be aggressive." He laughs with me. "Come on. Let's go home?" I ask. "Yea okay." While I get up, I tease him saying "You were definitely jealous." "Oh you're gonna get it." He tells me. I start running away, laughing.

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