Part 6

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I enter my house smiling. I rush up to my room since no one is home. My parents will be gone for months due to a business trip. As I open my door, I see all my best friends sitting on my bed. They shot their heads up looking at me. I sit next to them and wait for them to inform me on what's going on. They all stare at me. "So what happened? The Lindley girl asks. "Oh yea we are friends now." I reply simply. "That's it? That's all that happened?" Jack questioned. "Uhm yea. What did y'all expect?" I say. "I don't know. Maybe kiss again.  Maybe admit to each other that y'all like each other. Maybe-" Dawson tells me before I cut him off. "I don't like him and he doesn't like me. Stop with this. I barely know him." I say "yea yea whatever you say, love." Joey tells me


Guy's POV:

I went to Charlie's house because the ducks are hanging there. I knock on the door. I see Averman answer the door. "Ahhhh how's our lover boy doing?" Averman questions while laughing. "Shut up" I reply with while walking in. They ask what happened and I just told them we are friends now. They obviously continue teasing me. I really didn't care because I'm used to it and nothing can really ruin my mood.


The next day


As I was leaving my house, locking it, I saw Guy leave his. He sees me and waves. I do the same. We walked towards each other and I asked if we should walk to school together. He accepted my offer then we began walking. Halfway through our walk, some of the ducks walked up to us. "Oh hey guy." One girl said. I just stood there. "Charlie. A pleasure to meet you." "Oh hi. Y/n nice to meet you." I say smiling. "Oh we know." A curly red headed boy told me. I look at them confused when Guy rolls his eyes and tells him to shut up. They all introduce themselves and we all walk talking to school. They were a pretty cool group. We are at school and I see my friends. I smile and wave at them. I said my goodbyes to the ducks and walked over to them. "Bestie with his friends already?" Dawson asked "friends with them. No one could replace you idiots." I reply. "Hey!" They all yell as we walk into school.


The ducks invited my friends and I to their table and we accepted of course. They obviously made Guy and I sit next to each other. We all talked and had fun. "I guess it was us that was keeping all of us to be friends, huh?" I say to Guy while laughing. "Clearly" he also replies while laughing. They began talking about how they became the ducks. Guy talked a lot and I was looking at him smiling. I never realized how blue and pretty his eyes were. After he's done talking, he looks at me and we smile at each other and continue talking to the others.

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now