Part 7

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"So..." he begins while scratching the back of his neck while walking beside me. "Uhm the day after tomorrow, is the BIG game. JV vs. Varsity you know." He says. "Oh yea I know. It's all everyone's talking about. They all say the Varsity is guaranteed yet another victory." I watch his face fall. "BUT I beg to differ. You guys are definitely guaranteed victory."  I continue while winking. A smile grew on his face. "Okay well are you coming?" He asks me. "Well hmmm I don't know. Should I?" I ask back wanting to know if he wanted me there. "I mean yea. You know support all your friends and besides you can wear one of my old jerseys." He adds mumbling the end. "Of course I'd love to. Oh and yes I'd like to take up that offer. I would want everyone to know what side I'm on." I reply. He just smiles.


Guy's POV:

Today's the day. The showdown. I was going to school, I went a little earlier than y/n of course because we had to warm up. I brought one of my old jerseys and snuck it into y/n's locker. The day went on. We were preparing in the locker room and all of us are hyping each other up.



I was on my way to the game. I had his jersey on. I styled it then put a sweater on. It smelled like his cologne and I smiled. I was walking to the rink when I got stopped. Who stopped me? Rick Riley. "Where you going to?" He questions "The game." I reply not looking at him and continue walking. "Oooo coming to cheer me on, baby? I knew you were still in love with me." He tells me. I stop walking and tell him "#1 I'm not your baby so don't call me that. #2 you have a girlfriend. Can never stay loyal, huh? #3 man your obsessed. You really aren't capable of leaving me the fuck alone. Glad to know I'm still on your mind. But I'm no longer in love with you. How could I be so in love with a brainless jerk? And #4 I'm not cheering for your side." He looks at me confused and shocked at my outburst. I begin to take my sweater off putting it in my locker. "I'm with the ducks." I confidently say before turning my heels toward the rink leaving him to look at the what and whose jersey I had on.

I finally spotted my best friends and I go up to them. I greet them and they all do the same while smirking. "Guy's jersey, huh?" Jack asks. "Mhm got a problem?" I say smiling like crazy. "Nope none." They all reply.

We saw the ducks come out. He spots me in the crowd and he smiled adding a wave. I mimic his actions. He puts his helmet on and skates to his team. The puck was dropped. They were all being attacked. Varsity kept charging. The first period of the game ends. It's still tied with zero. Then second period came, there he was. Guy gained control of the puck. He was on a breakaway. My best friends and I slowly get up and he shoots. AND HE SCORES!!! We all cheer. Then he gets checked into the boards. My face dropped and my expression was no longer happy but worried. All I saw was Guy get hurt not getting up and I sprinted onto the ice and rushed to him.

"Guy!" I shouted. The teams stared. He was put into a bed. "And what is your relation with Mr. Germaine?" One man asks. I look at Guy worried. "His girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend." I replied. We began to walk off the ice. The ducks stared and I didn't care to notice. All I focused on was Guy and how he's hurt.

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