Part 2

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-Are you kidding me? Out of all the people I could have bumped into.... it had to be him.- I stand patting myself off. I look at Guy and he mocks my action. "Looking horrible like always. Where's your perfect little boyfriend? He probably doesn't even love you" Guy blurts out. That hurt me. He clearly has no idea what happened a few days back. As I try to hold in my tears, I reply with no energy "Not today just not today please." I look down to my schedule and floor and walk away looking for my first class.


Guy's POV:

I insult her and she usually mimics my action but today was different. I brush it off and continue walking to my first period class.

I had math first. I was trying to pay attention but my mind kept drifting to one thing. -Why was she so down today? What happened to the girl who never let me win an argument? Where's the girl who never knows when to shut her mouth? Wait- why do I even care? Why do I even hate her so much? She did absolutely nothing to me.- I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I got up and kept asking myself why does it matter so much?



I continued to mope around. The first day was always the easiest. I was waiting for the last bell to ring. I was walking to my locker and saw Guy next to me. I had no energy to argue so I just stayed quiet. I close my locker and Guy was about to say something but was cut off by the one and only, Rick Riley. "Yo, y/n, you should remember Mindy, right?" He kisses her right in front of me. "Oh sorry. Right. Got carried away there." Riley says with a smirk. I gave him a disgusted look. -He dumps me and tries to rub it in my face that he has a new girlfriend. How thoughtful.- I see Guy's eyes perk up staring at what's going on. I roll my eyes.

"Bite me."

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now