Part 11

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Guy's POV:

It's been over 2 months. I also realized that y/n has been avoiding me. I don't know what I did but I'm gonna find out. I was sitting next to Amber who was smiling on her phone. "What are you smiling at?" I ask. She's been acting very distant lately. "Oh nothing." She replies. She had to use the bathroom then someone rings the doorbell. I open it to see Rick Riley. "Riley?!" I yell. "So...what are you doing here?" I say back. "Shes my girlfriend." He tells me. She's cheating on me? What the fuck? "Come in. " I say letting him in. "Babe who was it?" She asks me. "Oh you will see. Come on." I say rushing her.

"Oh Rick.... uh what are you doing here?" She asks. "You got something to say to me? This is what you w been hiding?" I ask getting up, slightly yelling. "Welll uhhh... uhm... you see-" she says nervously. "You've been cheating on me with him? Rick Riley? Seriously?" I say. She just looks down. "Screw you, both." I tell them before walking out. I run to Charlie's house while crying. I knock on the door and y/n answers. I quickly wipe my tears. Charlie comes behind her. "Guy?" They both ask worried.



I open to the door to see Guy crying. My smile dropped seeing the pain in his eyes. When he saw me, he quickly wiped his tears. I've been avoiding him because I still have feelings for him. "Guy?" Charlie and I say in unison. "Oh I didn't know you had company." He tells Charlie. "I'll just come by later." He says. He starts walking away. I look at Charlie and he nods knowing that I wanted to talk to Guy. I excused myself and ran after him. "Guy! Hold on." I yell. He turns around. I catch up with him. "Boy do you walk fast." I say catching my breath. He chuckles a little. As I caught my breath, I asked "what's wrong?"

He just looks down. "Come on let's sit." I say pointing to a bench we were standing in front of. "Come on talk to me." I say embracing him in a hug. I start feeling his tears going through my shirt. I held him tighter. "What happened?" I asked concerned. "She cheated on me with..." she cheated?! Who could cheat on this boy? "Who?" I asked getting a little angry. "Rick." He answers. "Rick? As in Rick Riley?" I asked to make sure. "Yea." He replies. "Let it all out. It's ok. Let it all out." I say while rubbing his back. His sobs get louder. I let go of the hug and grabbed his face. As I lifted his face, my anger disappeared. My expression was soft. I wiped his tears. "It's gonna be okay. I promise. Over time and having support from friends and family you will heal." I say softly smiling at him. He hugs me not letting go. "I have a question." He says while stuffing his face in my neck. "What is it?" I replied. "Are you avoiding me? It kinda feels like you are." He asks me. "I'm not. You were just always with her so we never got time to talk." I say not telling the whole truth. It's true but I also avoided him cause I couldn't control my feelings and emotion when I was around him.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize but I'm back now." We go to my house and we ate snacks. I called Charlie telling him Guy is with me and that he's okay. There was also a lot of drama that he missed so I filled him in. I filled him in on Jack coming out and is now dating Charlie's brother, Doug. There was a love triangle between Charlie, Joey, and Dawson. Charlie and Joey are dating right now and Dawson is dating Charlie's sister, Gretchen. (Dawson's Creek reference) It was getting late so he went home. I went to sleep thinking about who could ever choose Rick over Guy? Guy is amazing.

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