Part 3

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Guy's POV:
"Bite me." Was all the girl said before walking away. She left school with her head held up high. I stared at her ex who was just staring at a locker while his girlfriend tried snapping him out of his trance. I eventually went to practice. Some of my teammates saw the scene that occurred as well. They felt bad for the girl but I don't know how I felt. I was thinking about what had happened right in front of me. I didn't know they had broken up. They dated for over a year. The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt about hating on her today. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my friend, Connie, tried asking if I was okay. We all continued practice. Just like the whole school day, I tried taking my mind off of her but I couldn't. It was hard.



I have no idea what to do. I told my friends that I didn't feel like going out today. They all said it was fine. They understood why. I mean this was her first ever boyfriend. Her first everything, he stole. After the scene her ex caused, I left school with my head up high showing that I didn't care. Of course, I did. How could I not? I sat in this alleyway near the school. I started breaking down and crying. I was curled up into a little ball. I started to raise my voice and question everything. "Why was I not good enough? How could he just leave me after everything? Am I ugly? Is that it?" I questioned.

Third Person POV:

The girl continued her actions. Yelling at this point while crying. The Ducks had finally finished their practice. They were all going to hang out at the mall except Guy. He declined their offer because he didn't feel like going out. They leave school and say their goodbyes to Guy. Guy continues to walk home. He was lost in his own thought until he heard noises coming from an alley near the school. He follows the noise and it sounds like crying and a lot of yelling. He goes into the alley to check if the person was in danger. As he found the source of the noise, he tries to look at the persons face but he failed to recognize who it was. As he walked closer, he looks at the persons outfit and thinks to himself that it looks familiar.



I stopped my yelling but I slid down the wall crying. I heard footsteps coming my way but I ignored it. She closes her eyes and continues to cry. The person that was walking to her tapped her shoulder. "Are you okay?" The boy asks concerned. "I'm fine go away. I want to be alone." I replied. "It's getting a little late and dark. You should go home. Your parents might be worried." He tells her. "Yea ok. I'm just gonna stay here a few more minutes." She states while lifting her head. "Who did this?! Is it him? Is it?" He asks angry. When she realizes who she's talking to, she pushes his hand away. He just looks at her with a soft look. He tries to speak up and repeat what he asked but she interrupts him. "Why is it you? Why is it always you I keep bumping into? Just leave me alone. I have no energy to argue with you right now." She sadly tells him. She slowly gets up and walks away not letting the boy talk. She looks back to see him just sitting down in deep thought.

"What changed?" || Guy Germaine ||Where stories live. Discover now