Part 8

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Guy was brought to the hospital. He convinced me to stay and watch the game. I gave in and stayed. I was going to the hospital after the game. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I focused on the game hoping none of the other ducks get hurt. They all exit the locker room after a difficult and tiring two periods. This time they were smiling and all hyped. There was a 'new' member. Dean Portman. Another period started. 3 seconds into the period, Dean flips over Cole, the Varsity's enforcer. Causing him to fall into the crowd breaking the glass window. They continue to play. Charlie skating in front of Riley. He lets him make the first move then he ducks and flips him over, stealing the puck. I shot up from my seat and yelled "ALRIGHT! GET IT, CHAR!" 2 seconds left of the game as they were tied. Very intense. Charlie shoots and HE SCORES! My best friends and I rushed to the ice.

Hugging all of them even Dean. I went to Charlie. "You won it FOR THE TEAM!" I yelled. "I told you, you could do it!" I said while squeezing him. We all went into the locker room. Their coach let us go with
them due to their victory. I was happy but when I was in the locker room, I couldn't help but stare at someone's empty seat. It reminded me of the one bad thing that happened today. We all arrived at the hospital. We all entered his room. There was no damage so he was able to be discharged in a few hours. I told them I'm leaving and told Guy I'm keeping his jersey. The ducks laughed and I exited the room after hugging all of them. I took a 30 mins nap. I was bored. The rink was still open. No one here except my best friends knows this but I figure skate and know how to play hockey. I haven't figure skated or played hockey in so long. She arrives at the rink thinking she was alone. Little does she know, the ducks including their new, old coach and her best friends were watching. They arrived a minute after she did. She connected her phone to the speaker in the rink. "Watch this." Jen tells the ducks, knowing what she's about to do. She does this:

They were all speechless then all of a sudden she grabs her hockey stick. She goes further back from the half line and attempts to shoot all five of her pucks and she does. She puts her hockey skates on and practices. They all watch. "Shes on a breakaway. She's on fire. She fakes left then shoots and she scores!"  She does a little dance then the ducks went on the ice. They all cheered. "Oh uh how long were... you guys... uhm there?" I stuttered asking. "We were here the whole time. You never told us you figure skated or even played hockey." Charlie says while hugging me. "Yea well I guess you learn new things everyday." I say as I chuckle.

"Well would you like to play with us?" The captain asks. "Oh well of course. Playing hockey with the Eden Hall Ducks?! Such a dream come true" I say as I dramatically act like I was going to faint. They all laugh. We played and let's just say I outdid all of them. This is the happiest I've felt in so long. Guy and I have been on good terms and friends for about 4 months. Seeing Guy okay and smiling right now made me happy. HE made me happy.

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