Part 14

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He was chasing me as I ran away. All of a sudden, I feel arms wrap around my waist. It was Guy of course. He turns me around with his arms still around me. We stare at each other for little. He leans in and I do too. Then finally our lips meet. When we pull apart, we put our foreheads together. We let go of each other and we continue to walk but this time in silence. We were both smiling like idiots not looking at each other. Where does this leave us?

An hour later

"Wait let me get this straight. He was chasing you. Then somehow... just somehow you guys kissed?" Charlie asks me. "Right. Unbelievable. Where does that leave us? I mean he could never like me, right?" I say jumping on the bed. "Oh, my dear, oblivious   y/n." He tells me. "What?" I question. "He likes you. I can tell. That's why he's been glaring at us like that. HE LIKES YOU. He was JEALOUS." He says. "Yea whatever sure." I say. Could he actually like me?
"So how good of a kisser was he?" He says raising his eyebrows. "Oh shush."

Guy's POV:

Today's the day. I'm going to tell her. If she says no then oh well. Right? I was walking to school with a few tulips in my hand. As I enter school, I see y/n, standing by her locker. Amber comes out of nowhere. "Oh my favorite. Tulips." She says trying to take the flowers from my hand. "I know you and y/n aren't together." She says. "Shut up. You hate tulips and second, so what? After today, we might be." I tell her, smiling. "Guy, sweet Guy. Y/n? She could never possibly like you. Shes always with that friend of yours. Charlie, was it? She probably likes him." She says. I roll my eyes pushing her out of the way and try to walk up to y/n. Then I see her talking to Charlie. I put my head down putting the flowers in my locker.

Charlie pulls me aside. "Your asking her out, aren't you? I saw those flowers" He asks me. "Yea I was planning to. I don't know anymore. I think she likes someone else." I say sadly. "What who?" He questions me. "You. I mean you guys are alw-" he cuts me off. "Dude there's nothing going on between us. We are just really close. Shes like a sister." I sigh in relief. "Now you better ask her out, boy. We all
know you really like her." He starts walking away. "We knew from the start even when you guys hated each other. Ahahah when am I ever wrong?" He says not turning around. "Shut up!" I say.

It's now last period. I slide a note to y/n asking her to meet me somewhere. I'm planning to bring her to this lake where I go when I need a break and breather. The bell rings and I run to the lake with the flowers in my hand. I'm sitting by the water on the dock, waiting. I start fidgeting with my fingers. I hid the flowers. "Hey." She says. I look up. "Hey." I say.  "So what did you need?" She says sitting next to me. "This is my quiet place. I wanted to show you. This is where I take a break from life when it gets chaotic." I say looking at her. "Oh it's nice." "I'll be right back." She nods. I grab the flowers and walk back and stop right behind her.

"Y/N?" "Yea." She says turning around and gets up, seeing the flowers. "I was wondering. Can I take you out sometime and I don't know be my girlfriend?" As I hand her the flowers. She smiles widely and says "of course!" She kisses me then tightly hugs me. "It's you. It's always been you, Guy." She mumbles against my neck feeling her smile. I smile knowing I finally have her.


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