Part 10

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Charlie is walking me home. Making sure I'm okay. We walk there in silence. It's a little awkward. "So..." "soooo..." I reply. "Are you feeling any better?" He asks. "Well I feel the same." "I have a question." He states. "Shoot" I say. "So what really happened with you and Riley? You guys dated for a while." He says. "Oh well he cheated on me with that blonde cheerleader, Mindy." I reply. "Man what is wrong with these guys?" "Huh?" I asked confused. "It's just you're really pretty." I look down and he uses his finger to lift up my chin. "I mean it. You're hilarious, kind, smart, talented and none the less drop dead gorgeous. And I mean this in a friendly way of course. Don't get the wrong idea." He says while I chuckle a little. "No like in all seriousness. You're a real catch. Anyone would be so lucky to have you." He continues. "Oh yes oh yes. I am literally so amazing. If Guy doesn't want me, then screw him." I say confidently while  joking. "Literally!" Charlie says. "But he's so cute." I say whining. Charlie and I look at each other, smile and laugh.

Charlie's staying over. He invited my best friends without me knowing as a surprise. Charlie was the only one that stayed though. They were all busy and had to go. It was a Friday so we plan on staying up.

"Well do you have clothes that may fit me? Like fancy?" He asks out of the blue. "Uhh yea why?" "You will see." He starts a live. Many people join. I do my makeup and hair because he made me. I didn't say no because I didn't really care. As I finished that, he asks for the outfit i was talking about. I give it to him. He then goes to my closet and picks out a fancy dress for me. I have this gown I wasn't able to use yet. He demanded me to put it on. He puts in his suit first then makes me change into the gown. I change then I exit the bathroom.

When he saw me, his jaw dropped. He puts on a slow song and bows down with his hand out. "May I have this dance, princess y/n?" He asks. "Oh ew no." I say jokingly turning away. He stands straight again and grabs her hand twirling her back to him. "I was joking. I was gonna say yes." I say rolling my eyes. "No need to be aggressive." We both laugh. "Shall I say you look quite ravishing?" He says as we slow dance. "Oh why thank you, kind sir." I reply while doing a curtsy. "I would say the same to you but..." I continued. "Hey! I look hot." Charlie says. "Whatever you say." We both chuckle. We stare at each other, smiling. The song is about to end and he dips me. Then we stand back up. He bows while I curtsy. We go to the live to see the comments. "No guys. We aren't dating. Ahahah." I say. Charlie adds "she isn't in the best mood today so I'm helping her feel better. I can tell it's working." He smirks at me. I just roll my eyes and flip him off. "I'm changing." I say. "Yea me too. This isn't so comfortable." We both end the live. I realized he recorded our dance on his camera. I watch it while I wait for him to finish changing.

Finally, after a while eternity he exits the bathroom. After, we baked a cake eating it all while sitting down and talking. We continued singing and dancing around the house which he had recorded just like the slow dance. I was happy. I had finally taken my mind off of him. Thanks to Charlie. I hug Charlie out of no where. "What's this for?" He questions as he holds me tightly, "Thank you, Char. I mean it." I reply holding his waist and squeezing it.

I am thankful for having this boy in my life.

Authors note:
This chapter is clearly more on Charlie. Sorry.

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