Part 12

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It's a Saturday today. It's 4 am and I'm still up. I suddenly hear a knock on my window. I jump up and flinch. I look up to see Guy. I quickly let him in. "What are you doing here?" I question him, worried? "Couldn't sleep. Decided to bother you." He says chuckling. "What are you still doing up?" He asked me. "Couldn't sleep either." I tell him. We spent the whole night talking and playing around.

We fell asleep and woke up to people chuckling. We both wake up and as our visions cleared, I see Guy cuddling me. We look to our side and see our friends, staring at us. We both push each other off of each other and sat up. I smiled at him awkwardly. So did he. "So did you two have fun last night?" Averman says while smirking. "Oh shut up, Averman." Both Guy and I say in unison as we threw a pillow towards him. "I was just joking." He says while fake crying. We all laugh. We go to the beach. We all enjoy until we see Varsity. Guy pushed me behind him holding my hand. "So you two are dating now?" Amber asks. "Yea and what about it?" I say without thinking. Guy looks at me and plays along with me. "Seriously? You pick this guy over me?" Rick asks. "Amber it's a shame. Guys amazing and Rick is Rick. Sucks to sucks honestly. Who would pick a dumbass over this one?" I saw while wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up at him.

Rick scoffs then leaves with the team following him. Guy and I look at each other and laugh. The ducks and my best friends laughed along with us. "You guys would be such a cute couple." Jack says. "I could never like Guy like that." I say. "What why?" He asks. "There's not much to like." I say jokingly while running away. He starts chasing me. He tackles me and both lay down on the sand laughing as everyone else goes into the water.

"I mean it though." I say not looking at him. "What?" He asked confused. "I would pick you over Riley any day." "Well obviously you would say that. He's your ex." We just start laughing. Only if he knew. "You okay?" He questions. "Yea I am." "You sure?" He asks while squinting his eyes. "Yes then he lays down. "I'll be right back." I take a bucket and look back to see what Guy was doing. He was laying down with his eyes closed. I take the bucket and fill it with water. Carefully run back to him and pour it all over him. He shoots up and starts chasing me again. He catches up to me and picks me up. He then throws me into the water. The water was a little deep. I decided to trick him. I acted like I was drowning. "Wait- Guy! I can't swim!" I yell. He comes rushing to me and as his arm takes my arm, I push his shoulders down so he's fully in the water. He lets go and I start swimming away. He was looking for me saying "y/n my dear where are you?" so I swam behind him and pulled his legs that he was standing on. And he gets back up to see me bursting out laughing. He just smiles.


Guy's POV:

I feel something quickly pull my legs and I lose my balance. As I go up and find my balance, I flip my hair back and see y/n laughing and smiling. I couldn't help but smile. She has a cute laugh I think to myself. I grab her and throw her into the water. As she gets up, we splash water towards each other. We were there having him and having the best time and I think to myself -she makes me happy. Wait do I like her? No. You can't. She doesn't like you. Stop dreaming. She would never like you.- "Guy!" Someone yells and waves in my face and I snap outta my thoughts to see y/n calling me. "You okay?" She asks. "Yea yea what's up?" I question. "I'm getting ice cream. Wanna come?" She asks. "Ice cream? Hell yea." We both laugh and walk off.

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