Part 9

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Ugh no. Y/n you can't. Don't do this to yourself. The past few days I've been stressing over one thing. Guy. Guy Germaine. There's no possible way that I could be falling for him. I am falling for him, aren't I? There were people going through my window. It's Dawson, Jack, Jen, Charlie and Joey. I hadn't realized since I was in deep thought. They stare at her for a while. She was snapped out of her thoughts when a pillow landed onto my face. I look behind me to see my best friends staring at me. I had already gotten ready. They came early, really early.

"Oh hey guys." I say. "Hey, you good?" Jack asks. "Oh yea yea of course." "What were you thinking about?" Jen asks. "Nothing." I say lying. "Y/n don't lie to us. We know when you lie." Joey tells me. "What could be so bad that you had to lie to us about it?" Dawson asks. They all nod. "Fine fine." I say putting my hands up in defeat. "Here's the thing. The past few days, i realized something." "Mhm go on." Jen says. "I may like a certain someone." They all gasp and look within each other. I put my head down, fidgeting with my hands. "WHOOO?" Charlie asks. "Uhm well Guy."

They were all shocked. Their jaws hitting the floor. Their eyes wide. "Wait WHAT? How? When? Huh?!" They all say. "Yea uh well few days ago and I don't know! I just remember seeing him in school and his presence made me nervous. We would all talk and when I looked at him, I couldn't help but smile. I don't know how it all happened but it just did."
"It's okay I bet he likes you too. I mean you have it all." Jack says. "Ahaha yea sure." I sarcastically say.

We all walk to school, talking and laughing. When we enter the school, Charlie and i walk to my locker and we see Guy and some girl talking. My smile turns into a frown. "Don't worry I bet he's just being nice." Charlie states. "AHAHHA I wasn't worried." I say nervously. "Y/n, Charlie. Hey! Oh right this is Amber. The girl I'm talking to." My face drops a little. "Oh hey y/n nice to meet you." I say introducing myself. Charlie puts his arms around me and says "Charlie."

Besides Guy, Charlie is one person I got really close to. We have first period together so he says "let's go to class?" "Oh uh yea yea." I say frowning. "I'm sorry, y/n." He tells me as we start walking. I nod looking down.


Charlie's POV:

Y/n and I have the same exact schedule so I was with her all day. I watched as she frowned and moped around. I feel so bad but what can I do? We go to lunch and y/n just keeps her head low. I make Averman move so she would sit next to me instead of Guy. "Hey guys." Guy greets us. "Hey." I reply back. Y/n is in deep thought once again. I just tap her and she says "hey." "You good?" Guy asks. "Hmmm just not a good day." She replied. I just look at her with soft eyes. I felt bad for the girl. Amber comes outta no where sitting next to Guy. We all greet her except y/n because she was in a trance again. She snaps out of it. Guy and Amber were flirting a whole lot. I was talking to Fulton. I glanced at y/n occasionally. She suddenly leaves her seat, leaving the cafeteria. I get up following her. She's outside talking a breather.

I stand next to her embracing her in a hug. "Y/n let it all out. I know you want to." And a second after I said that, she breaks down crying and I hold her tighter while stroking the back of her head.  "Why am I never good enough?" She asks. "Shhh it's okay. It'll be okay." She finished crying and we walked back into the cafeteria. She avoided Guy. I think Guy noticed. She was hurt and I couldn't do anything about it.

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