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'Most love story starts with love at first sight, but do we need sight to fall in love?'

What an encouraging line don't you think?

If someone had told me this a few weeks ago, my only response would be an awkward smile and a simple 'thank you' as I couldn't agree less but I couldn't afford to be rude-ungrateful girl either. That would add to my long-awful attitude- list(according to mom's word).

But why? You might wonder.

Well, let me explained to you.

Love was a mixture of affection, lust, emotion and bond, in what percent was up to the person. To start those affection and lust, mostly, physical appearance played a big role. Without sight, we lost the ability to see and without seeing, well, I didn't think I had to explain more.

And that led to the source of my laughter. In addition to my plain features, I was the one people simply regarded as 'Blind'. So not only I wouldn't be able to start an affection toward anyone but also no man with a sensible mind would start his toward me.

But well, I did say a few weeks ago.

If only they told me now, I could give them a better answer than awkward smile.

Because of my disdain, love has decided to give me a lesson that love, itself, is possible in any circumstance with any person....and that it is out of the blue.


Thank you so much for reading this>_<

I'd love to know what you think of this.

Is it too long? Or I described too much?

I really wanna know>_

Please Vote and Comment>_<

Every of your vote and comment make my heart fly:)

And I know this might not be good...I'll find time to edit this:)

This prologue is dedicated to @thefallenmist for her awesome cover>_<

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