1: I cursed my minion phone strap.

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Cass's Pov

'This is not funny!' I heard myself scowled in the dark. As my hands groped with no direction around myself.

'Open the light now Clayton Pallen.' I scowled again. This time with a serious tone as to tell my brother ,Clay, that I have no mood to joke around.

But all I got was a silent. Dang, If only I could see and go turn the light on myself, I wouldn't have to screamed like a crazy due to my achluophobia.

'Turn that hella light on Clay!' I swore loudly. My hands started to grope around crazily on the table in search for something to hold on when I stood up to go get the light myself.


As soon as my feet touch the ground, it hit the legs of night table. I kneel myself down quickly to hold my poor pinky but I might probably be too quick when I heard the tube that linked between my wrist and something heavy ripped apart.

Beep Beep Beep Beep.


I cursed at my clumsiness as the heavy machine continue to make an annoying sound. Beep Beep Beep.

Frustrated, I made my way to the door and groped for a light switch. Click.

I was sure I turned the light on but I still no where near seeing the light. Click, Clack, Click. I tried to switch the light on and off for a few times but nothing happened.

Fear ran down my spine as I mentally repeated, "the light bulb must be broken, it must be."

'Mom? Dad? Clay?' My voice started to shake as I'm on my knee hugging my legs.'Anybody??'

Then I heard the door swung open. I reached toward the new comer and felt another hand clasped with mine.

'I'm here, sweetie, I'm here' It was my mom holding my hand and hugging me. Her voice raspy unlike her usual sweet one as if she's been crying for hours.

'Mom, can you open the light please. I can see nothing.' I pleaded as my hand held her tight. Darkness was one of my biggest fear since I was a child and all of my closed one knew that.

'Sweetie' Mom cupped my face gently, her finger trumbled on my skin. 'The light is on'

I felt like a thunder struck on me. I squeezed mom's arms so tight with fear. 'No, no no no. You're kidding me right? Why am I seeing nothing if the light is on?'

'I'm so sorry' Dad put his hand on my shoulders before said the thing that crushed my world from that moment. 'You're..'


I sat on my bed, panted heavily. Sweats ran down from my forehead to jaw line, mixed with tears.

That nightmare again

It was a scene that has been replaying in my head for a year now as if to remind me of the day my worst nightmare came true like I wasn't reminded by the fact itself. The fact that I could see no more.

'Sis, are you alright?' Clay, my little brother, opened the bedroom door quietly. He must have heard my scream.

I wiped my tears quickly with the back of my hand.'Y-Yes, I'm alright.'

'Are you sure sis?' Clay asked me again, his voice filled with worry.

'Yes' I assured him as I didn't want to bother my brother with a silly nightmare that came too often. Because of it, everyone in the family was always disturbed by my scream. 'Sorry to wake you up'

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