11: Bye bye I guess

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Cassiopeia's Pov

Have you ever been struck by a lightning?

The pain that run through your vein spreaded to every part of your body a few seconds before you went numb. Of course, it would take a short moment for your brain to realize what's going on but after that you wouldn't be able to move or stand.

Well, that's what I read in National Geographic written by a lucky guy who survived.

He survived. But I highly doubt I would be as fortunate as him.

It was as scared as crab fried that there's an insane woman walking around with gun and there's seventy point five percent that the gun was pointing at me. But it was nothing compared to the words that slipped out of her mouth.

'Wh-what are you talking about?'

Okay, I know it sounded silly when someone said that, like come on man, we all heard what another one said, why asking him twice. But it all made sense now. Times like this was when we didn't know what to say, so we said the most basic thing.

'Nile, you didn't mention that she is also deaf' Mrs. Anguston said disdainfully.

Calm down Cass, count one to ten.

'My hearing is still alright.' I said through gritted teeth. Give it to her to stir things up. 'I just want you to...to say that again'

'Oh, so you must really have some ear problems that you want me to repeat.' Soft chuckle came along her words.' Yes, I was the one who drove that car and hit you.'

'But why? Why did you do that?! What have I done to you?!' I asked, trying my best to hide the fact that I almost faint. This was too much. I had no energy to deal with crazy lady, her gun and her mouth.

'Why?...WHY!?!?' Mrs. Anguston scowled and I could feel my hair stood. 'You little dirty thing, without you Nile will be the best! Forever champion!'

I gasped as the words slipped out of her lips. So this was it. My dream to be artist was demolished to let another's dream, Nile's dream, come true. I didn't know what to feel about this. A part of me wanted to shout at her, scream to her and poured out my tears at how unfair this was. But I felt too heavy to even voice a word so all I did was letting my tears rolled down.

'Nile....Did you know about this?' I asked, pushed the lump down my throat. Did all this time, he know?


His silence was all it took to answered my question. All along, he kept this secret to himself. I felt like I didn't know him anymore. Every words he said, every action he did towards me were it real? I wondered if he'd known she would did it. How could he let her commit such a crime? Did he want that much, wanted to beat me? Did this how ambitious lead us?

There were more question mark in my head than in my math textbook.

If only the questions I got could be answered by a formula. But who was I kidding, these questions meant to me more than the calculus or square root.

I found myself shakily stepped back. I wanted to get out of here, I needed to. This was the second time I wished I was dreaming. "Come on, Alarm Clock! Where are you when I really wanted to wake up!?"


'Opps! wrong move, honey'

And man above the cloud eventually gave me a clock, in a shape of hard cylinder that sent a cold vibe through my thin shirt in an insane lady's hand.

'It would be so naive of you to think that I will let you go after all you've heard' Hera whispered at the back of my head. Her gun was pressed harder on my back. 'But, well, judging by your shock expression, I guess my baby told the truth. He didn't leak the secret.'

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