8: That evil.

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Cece's Pov

'OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe he did that!'

'Shhhhhh!!! Are you trying to yell this to my whole family?!? ' Cass slapped my lap to cover her embarrassment. 'Wait, is that your lap?' She asked.

'Yesssss, my bare lap to be clearly said' I patted my thigh that was exposed outside the short I wore. Poor thigh, it gots an imprint of Cass palm in pinkish red. She was such a heavy-handed especially when she felt shy.

'Sorry, I intended to slap your hand' Cass smiled widely and her eyes sparkled the ways that told me that she didn't feel guilty at all. As weird as it was, I smiled as wide as her like it was contagious. It was so long after the accident that she didn't smile like this. She became quiet and rarely left her room if there's no important occasions. It was like her world and her heart had gone black. I kept visiting her but she's never let me in. Thinking that she needed some times to herself I back off but that was the biggest mistake I'd ever made. After a month passed, I got a phone call from her mom that she tried to commit a suicide. I rushly ran to the hospital where she's admitted. I didn't know that it's because I had been running non-stop or it's because the thing I saw but my legs gave up when she came into my sight. Her forearm was wrapped in a white bandage and her pale wrist was linked to the blood tank. The scene was no different to the one on her accident day ,though deeply I knew, this one wasn't an accident. At that moment, I made up my mind that I would never let her do that again.

'Hey girl! Are you thinking of your prince?'

I stared blankly at Cass for a few seconds before realizing that she was trying to get my attention by snapped her finger in front of my face though her hand was not exactly in front of me but more like she's snapping her finger to the hollow man on my left. It wasn't easy for her to locate the exact place of the people she talked to though she really improved much more than her first month without sight.

'Don't you mean you are the one who's thinking about your prince?' I teased her back and laughed crazily when Cass's face turned bright red.

'Owww!' I exclaimed exaggeratedly when a round pillow that used to be in her hand flew to my head. 'What was that for?'

'I just wanna hit you' she shrugged happily and hugged that pillow to her chest. She heaved a sigh and said 'I really don't understand why he did all that. It's not like I'm the kind of girl he usually flirt with.'

I was taken aback a little but I did know how she felt. Since we'd been friend, this was the first time someone treated Cass like this. Neither of us was the school star or 100 celsius hot so the flirting things wasn't our strength or ,to be clearly said, wasn't the situation we knew how to deal with.

'Well...' According to all the wattpad romance I'd read, Nile was clearly into her. But then again, he was well know as a player. Maybe he just flirted like this to every girl. There's no ways I could tell what he thought of her and I couldn't jump to a conclusion that he liked her either. The last thing I wanted was Cass got the wrong interpretation. 'I don't exactly know why he did all this. But there's something more important than what he think. It's what you think of him'

'I...I don't know' Cass groaned and buried her face in the pillow causing her voice to be indistinct. 'Arghhh! Why did I have to be in such a cheesy situation'

I blurted out laughing as soon as the words slipped off my bestie's mouth. 'Trust me, kiddo, with guy like Nile, this was the first level of chees..-y'

Ringgggg Ringggggggg Ringggggg

A bland ringtone suddenly interrupted me. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was mine. I recently changed it from "I really like you" by Carly Rae Jepson to the original one and only "ring alert" after Cass had told me about her embarrassing "Kiss me" ringtone situation in the gallery. Human learns from the mistake, right? Even though that mistake belonged to your best friend.

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