5: A yellow whistle.

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Nile's Pov

I was brushing my teeth when my mind was too vacant that it kept wandering to yesterday's event.

I didn't know why I said that or being at that art class in the first place. When it hit me who she was, I felt my blood ran cold. It's hard enough for one to loose one of the most important sense, seeing, as you wouldn't be able to see everything. A place you visited, an appearnce of your love one, the beauty of nature, movies, photograph and the most painful-your own reflection- would only live in your memory.

Not to mention she's painter. I couldn't and didn't want to imagine how horrid it would be not being able to do what you love, to follow your dream.

I've heard from Sam that she hadn't came back to the gallery or picked up the brush again after the accident. That didn't surpise me though. I would do the same if I was in her position. That's why I respected her and looked up to her that she had a courage to walk into the gallery that day.

Thinking about her that way made me want to see her works. It occured to me that I had never had a good look of her works when she was in the competition as I , shamely, envied her talent.

I had to admit. She's really good. I looked at her paint and I felt like I couldn't take my eyes of it. It's beautiful for sure but there's something more. The way she flicked her brush, the way she created the blue shade of dawn were filled with emotion and flawless. I've seen a lot but this was the best of all.

I was just an amateur compare to her

Reaching this point of thought, I looked the reflection of the clock in my mirror.


Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot!!!

I quickly grabbed my black leather jacket and stormed out of my room

I rode my slick black bike and made it flew over the road bump.

As I rode, I came to a thought What if she didn't come? I highly doubt she'd come though seeing her frightened face. Her pale skin became paler and I wished I hadn't said that.

But I did want her to come. She need this. She looked like a dehydrated plant. Her talent was far too good to be wasted and honestly, I wanted to see more of her painting. But the most important thing was I felt my heart ached to see her face saddened.

It's hurt.

To see sunflower slowly withered away.

The park came into sight and I still saw no sign of her red jacket.

I pulled my bike near the bush and scruntinized the park. I walked to the left side of the lake that was placed in the center of the park.

My step was in a quick place as the idea of Cass standing alone was not so appealing. I made my way in an almost circular route around the lake but still saw no sign of her. It was saturday morning and many families were out for a picnic so it's even harder to find her among the crowd.

I then spotted the familar red jacket near the lake. I heaved a sigh of relieve as I saw her but it wasn't long that I had to take that back.

As I came closer I saw a clear figure of her swinging the cane. She moved dangerously too close to the lake. Her lips mumble a warm word 'Shh, what's wrong kiddo?'

My eyes wandered to where she's heading and that's when I knew what she's doing.

A little boy around 4-6 years old was crying near the lake. Cass seem to notice the sound and determined to help.

A small smile almost made its way to my lips-almost- when I saw Cass walked pass the boy and one feet away from the lake.

'Cass! Hey!' I jumped to where she was and quickly grabbed her jacket.

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