3: Can the snow cool up my flaming cheek?

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Cass's Pov

'Mind explaining?'

I blurted out as soon as I managed to close the dark orange truck's door. This darn piece of metal always stuck especially in the passenger side.

'I prefer not'

My younger brother, Clay, spoke nonchalantly as he made the left turn out of school gate to the main street.

'That wasn't an option,unfortunately' I said in the most coyingly sweet tone I could, in attempt to stir my brother's nerve, before gave him an loud scowl 'I need an explanation! What's those people want?'

'Well, It's just an misunderstanding'

A soft sigh left my mouth.

I bet ten bucks that he was bitting his lips. It was his habit since he was five years old when he got scowl for the first time by mom. It was quite an annoying scene....when I was able to see.

'For your lips's sake, please stop biting your lips. I can hear it scream it's little voice Please stop biting me, I'm bleeding'
I spoke in a voice of cartoon character I'd seen and made a hand gesture to exaggerate it. 'Tell me what happen Clay'

'Don't act stupid sis' Clay said with an serious voice though I knew he's trying his best not to laugh.

Believe it or not, my one and only brother , 16 years old male teenager, found my cartoon voice hilarious.

'Ohhhhh don't you dare change the topic Mister, you still owe me an explanation' I snapped back quickly.

He heaved a sigh before opened his mouth to speak ' I met a girl from EWH, she was crying in front of the coffee shop. Her beautiful grey eyes was filled with tears, soooo I talked to her and..well...no one can resist Clay's charm, Oww!, what's that for?'

I clasped my hand together and smirk satisfyingly 'That smack is for putting me into trouble. I didn't need an eyes to know that those men are huge'

My hair stood at the thought of the stranger name 'Dee' 's touch on my shoulder. No other men has ever touched me except my brother and dad...oh..and Nile.

After a thorough thought, well not exactly a thought, this thing ran in blood, I reached my hands out and pinched his forearm. 'And that's for giving me the urge to puke with your narcissism'

'Ow! Did I got sadist as my sis?' He exclaimed a little exaggerated. 'By the way, What's with you and Dee's friend?'

Even without mentioning the name, a remembrance of his hand on my waist flash clearly through my mind and gave me the urge to jump outside the car and burried my flaming face in the pile of snow that laid on the pavement. But if I did that, I might add something to my maimed list.

'Who are you talking about?' I asked innocent as I bowed my head down in attempt to hide the tomato-liked face behind my dark brown lock.

'Sis,...we both know what I'm talking about' A seriousness in his tone made me winced. And with that, the awkwardness filled the air.

Slowly, Clay pushed the break and I knew I finally arrived my home sweet home. It was a two storey single-family home with a little rose garden in the front. My mom favored rose in any colors, lineage and she happened to garden well.

I grabbed my backpack and prepared to slipped myself out of the truck when Clay locked the door at my side.


'Cass, listen, Nile Anguston is not a guy you want to mess around. He plays with hearts not treasures them.' Clay spoke softly. He's always be like this, acting like he's my second dad.

'I know, Clay, I know. We've just met in the gallery earlier and he saved me from hitting my face with wooden floor. And that's all.' I put the biggest smile I could to assure him that there's nothing to worry. 'Beside, He is not my type'

'Remember that words, sis' Clay chuckled before unlocked the door.


Holaaaa!!!! My sweet readers!

So so sorry for the late update:(

I'm not so sure whether there's someone waiting for this or not but if you are I'm so sorry:(

Buuttttt waittt!! I got something to make up for you!:)

I wrote this chap and feel it's a bit long so I seperate it to two chap so yeay!!!

I'm so sorry if this chap was not worth waiting. I don't even think my writing and my idea are good enough. I think it's kinda boring:(

But!!! If you like it then THANK YOU:*

Anddddd question of this chap!!

Can you tell me the greeting words in your native language??

I wanna use them all in every a/n apart from hola and aloha lol coz that's all I know.

Here in Thailand we say 'Sawasdee ka(krab)'


Please comment and vote yay yay!!!

Ps. I couldnt resist the urge to dedicate this chap to Prince-Richard as he's so nice and helped me promote my story >_< (and I even have a chap that name after me Hah>_<)
check out his story if you wanna read soemthing different:)

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