10: Don't act like a fool, Claire.

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Nile's Pov

'Beautiful, we need to talk' I said calmly but my voice came out weaker than I thought.

I couldn't do this.

Just being here. Looking at her made my heart ached like there's an invisible hand squeezing it.

I stared into her blank eyes but it wasn't long that I averted my gaze back down to the table. Her brown eyes were gorgeous. With a wooden color mixed with a chocolate shade, I could forever get lost in it. But now those beautiful eyes of her lacked of sparkle. All that left was a brown empty eyes.

And it's all because of me.

The thought was like a pin that kept on stabbing my heart. I knew I had to tell her. She has the right to know and I needed to take this pin out. But I couldn't make myself say it. The words were there, stuck in my throat. All they needed was the open entrance.

Cass remained silence as if she afraid that I would change my mind and keep the words to myself if she said a things. And she's right. All I wanted was something to stop me and I wouldn't have to do this.

But I deeply I knew it was inevitable.

Taking a deep breath, I was ready.

'Cass, ab-'

All words quickly faded into the air when my eyes landed on someone at the other side of cafe's mirror.

Her tall, slim feature gracefully stepped out of the black Porsche like a queen. Without an effort the sharp aura that spread around her could easily quiet the crying baby. Her long sandy hair moved freely in sync with each step. Ordinary people would say she's gorgeous. But with a person like me who knew her too well, she was everything but beautiful.

She's my mother.

'I'm sorry, beautiful. But I have to go now. I'll call Cece to pick you up.' I stood up from my chair abruptly ready to leave as I saw mother approaching me. Her blue eyes that was the exact copy of mine glow. It was a sign that she's ready to burst out and burned everything down.

And when I say burn, I really mean it.

She once almost burned the kitchen when Carrie, our chef, carelessly put the onion in her salad, fortunately, father came home in time before my mother lifted the whole Hell's Kitchen to the new level.

Move away, Gordon Ramsay. Here's come Hera Anguston.

Looking at her face now, I knew that this was going to be tenfold of that kitchen incident. And as upset as it was, I could see what made her this fuming that's why I had to make Cass stay out of this.

'Wait, please.' As I about to walked away, Cass extended her hand out and stood up. 'Tell me what's wrong.?'

I watched her hesitantly and looked back to my mother who about to lose control waiting by the car.

Before I could do something to both women in my life, though one was once my favorite, Cass rested her right palm on the edge of our table while her left palm groped cluelessly in the air in front of her. Abandoning her cane on the floor, she hurriedly walked towards my way. Her step was shaking that I was afraid she would trip over.


And there she went, about to fall, just like the first time we met.

'Im here, beautiful.' I got a hold on Cass's hand while my vacant arm rested on her waist. If we had been in another situation, I would have felt overwhelmed. Having Beautiful in my arm. But unfortunately we're not. As I helped Cass to be on her feet and handed her the cane, I could spot my mother walked through the front door.

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