Under the same blue sky

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Cassiopeia's Pov

It's been a week now after I become conscious. Almost everything mimicked the last time I was in a hospital. Everyone around me acted carefully like I was a fragile porcelain doll, and I let them do so because I was tired of fighting for the last dignity I had left as a capable human and also because that's not what I worried about now.

It's the owner of that blue ocean hue.

Everyday I'd tried to ask people around me what happened to Nile and his mother, but no one dared to answer me. Please, I couldn't be more worse than I was right at that moment.

I understood why he didn't come to visit me. Who would after that incident. But even though I knew that and my brain understood that, my heart refused to stop aching with pain every time the thought of him didn't come to me crossed my mind.

Despite knowing in all my heart that we meeting again might not be a good idea,I still needed to know, to feel him, to acknowledge the fact that he's alright and that I could find a peace in me that at least we were still under the same blue sky.

But that peace never reached me.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to month.

It's been a whole full month now that I resided in the hospital. The recovery of surgery was getting better and better that the good doctor said I might be able to leave the hospital next week.

"Isn't it brilliant!" Cece chirped beside me like a baby bird. "I can see the end of my boredom in class with you're there with me!"

"I don't think I could make that huge different though." A small smile made my way to its lips.

"You haven't join Mrs.Chapman class yet. She made the idiom 'killed by boredom' make sense"

I could imagine Cece did an overacting tired face while she moved her hands frantically.

"You're being exaggerated"

"Don't judge me until you try it." Cece feign an old lady voice, thouh completely failed, and pat my shoulder.

"Aye Aye" I laughed lightly.

I didn't know how strong Cece needed to be to be able to pick a fallen friend like me up a countless times.


A beep that's sign of new message rang from Cece phone, caused she to curse.

"Sorry, Cass, I got to go. I forgot I have a family dinner tonight! Mom's going to kill me if I was late." Her-same old-self rambling and freaking out by just a text. Within a second, Cece stood up.from her chair and gave me a peck on my forehead. "C loves C, bye!"

"C loves C too, Bye." I replied back after hearing the door shut.

I sighed and shook my head as the thought that her hurriedness might hurt her someday.

I pushed the button on my clock. A robotic voice came along.

Eight p.m

It's not late at night yet I found myself felt tired like I had been through a war.

I slid my bed under a thick blanket and not so long that I drown into a sleep.


A soft voice that I remembered by heart called my name in a way no one could do.

'Nile' I turned to him and found ourselves were closer than I thought. My hands clasped on his chest and they ran up to his tense jaw. 'What's wrong?'

'Cassiopeia, I'm sorry.' His voice break as he caressed my cheek. 'I'm sorry for everything.'

'There's nothing you need to be sorry for' I rubbed my thumb on his cheek bone and for a second he relaxed under my touch.

'No, they're all the things that my apologize can't fix.'

'It wasn't your fault, not in any world' I tried to convince him out of his guiltiness but it seem to already engrave itself in his heart.

'Forgive me' His voice pleaded painfully that I was left with no choice but to nod.

'Thank you.'

I felt a soft kiss planted on my forehead. The heat of his body slowly started to fade away as our distance become larger. 'Where are you going?'

'I have to go now' It wasn't hard to detect the sadness in his voice. Panic suddenly took over my heart as I got a feeling that his go might mean gone.

'Wait!' I tried to take a step but I found my legs couldn't be moved, so I reached my hands out instead. 'Stay'

My voice came out more desperate than I thought but I couldn't care less at that moment. Letting him go was not a choice.

I felt his warm hand wrap around my cold one and a small kiss was planted on it lingerly.

'Take care, beautiful' 

I panted heavily as nightmare pulled me out of my sound sleep.

'It's just a dream...'

It felt so real that silent tears streamed down my face. I let myself cried for minutes before deciding to go wash my face in the bathroom.

I hold onto the edge of the bed to push myself up and started to walk. At my fourth step, I tripped over some wire and before I knew it, I grabbed the closest thing I could lay my hand on and unfortunately it was an IV tube.

The beep sound echoed through the room and my wrist started to bleed.

Panic accelerated my heart and all of sudden I felt a hand grabbed my forearm. The warmth from it spread through my body. My heart that was about to explode just a minute ago suddenly came to a stop when I heard a familiar voice that I'd been so long to hear.

"Cass, are you alright?!"


Heya, my lovely readers!!!!!!!

Ohhhhh I miss you guys so so much *hug*

Sorry for being away for sooooooo long. (There's not enough 'o' to explain how long it is)

I know I don't deserve such a great and patient readers like you all. So I would totally understand if you all already forget about me and Cassile by now.

But to any of you that are still here... from the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU! *throw you thousand of kisses* Catch it, loves!

It won't be my full comeback of-course... :( cause I still have a class til' may and a summer course afterward *sigh* But I will try my best to stop by as often as I could (If you still miss me though lol)


How are you my sweet readers?

I wanna all about you.

So for the question of the chapter...

Tell me any event that happened in your life (that you'd like to share of-course) while I was gone.

And last but not least...

I wanna know what do you think about this chapter? I know it really isn't worth the wait... I'm sorry :( but I stilll hope you will enjoy it... at least a bit:)

Thank you for reading this chapter and stick with me guys!

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