4: Did he just challenge me?

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'See you later, Cece'

I waved my one and only bestfriend here a goodbye before we splitted at the school hallway. She headed toward library. It was her after school routine to assist Mrs. Stones, the librarian.

Cece and I met each other four years ago when she knocked my easel down with her clumsiness and my painting was ruined. I was very angry but I couldn't stay mad at her for longer than five minutes because she cried her heart out and kept repeating the word sorry. I mean, who could be mad at her, those big green eyes of her when filled with tears could stop WWIII even if they laid behind those glasses.

I walked absent-mindedly along the hallway. One year time didn't seem to ease the whisper that followed me with every step I took.

"What a pitiful life of her"

"Yeah, I know right"

Same old conversation.

A scent of oil painting lured me toward the art room and before I knew, I stood in front of the class and inhaled a big gulp of familar odorant that leaked under a big wood-liked door.

First step art gallery, next step art class. Not bad Cass

Irresistibly, I pushed the door open and stepped in.

The scent was tenfold stronger than I could smell outside the room. A smile automatically spreaded across my face.

Some said a particular odorant could bring back the old memory of the person. And I couldn't agree more at this moment becuase now the old times I spent in this room flooded through my heart.

I carefully let my cane led me as I drowned in stream of memory. I used to spend my time a lot here. But not anymore after the accident.


A familar painful voice of someone pulled me out of my thought and I knew that my cane has poked something soft. A foot?

'I'm sorry' I quickly pulled my cane back and about to kneel down to check the poor man feet, though I wasn't sure what much I could do, when a firm hand grabbed my forearm and lifted me up.

'My foot are perfectly fine though my poor pinky needs an ice.'

An intimate tingling sense and smooth voice led me to a good conclusion of the poor man.

'Nile? What are you doing here?'

I asked nervously. Wait, why nervous? Put yourself together Cass. Remember Clay's words.

'Maybe I was enchanted by your beauty' A soft chuckle left his mout and I bet thousand bucks that he's smirking right now. Good news, his words totally cracked all my nervousness.

'Right Right' I spoke quietly while trying to hide my face behind my dark brown hair. So glad I didn't do a ponytail today.

'Just kidding, kiddo' He replied playfully as he gently tucked my hair that was suppose to help me behind my ear. His fingertips brushed against my cheek slightly and I felt as if I was waiting for my test score. Scary yet not hopeless.

'I'm not kiddo. I'm 17 already.' I retorted back, hoping to sound serious but I was nowhere near success.

'Well, the last time I checked you're younger than me so yeah, you're kiddo.' He slowly pulled his finger out of my lock and patted my head.

A tilt my head to the side annoyingly. Who he think he is huh?

'Yeah, right. Let's get to the point Romeo. What are you doing here. Are you lost? I could draw you a map to WWH' Note the sarcasm in my voice.

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