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Cassiopeia's Pov.

"Oh my god, I'm so nervous."

One would lose track of count for how many times I had repeated this line.

"You'll doing just fine." Big hand squeezed my small one. I didn't need eyes to tell who did they belong.

In front of me was my first art show.

Nope, there's no miracle for my eyes.

But a miracle was right there in my hand and my brain. Where they worked together on a thing called imagination.

Nile had come up with a way for me to be able to draw again.

He'd learned about the substance that would transform from its liquid state to a solid when come into contact with the air.

And it was my ink.

All I need was to squeezed it out from the tube to make it become bold and protude out of the paper, so that it would work like a braille.

With that and a huge amount of imagination I needed to paint things I saw in my head, I was, once again, an artist.

For me and Nile, well, life get rough sometime. It didn't filled with roses, but rocks and roses. In the end it's just whether the person beside you was worth fighting throuht the obstacle or not, and he was more than worth.

Sure, we fought sometimes. But I didn't mind it at all as every fights bought us a little bit closer. We fought our ways to overcome it and I thought that made us stronger.

For Mrs.Anguston, she was sent to be under a mental care in a hospital with great speciality in this field and she's getting better. We frequently visited her and the distance between me and her was shorter, just a little. This kind of things took time both for me and her, and I hoped that we could be friend in the future. After all, our heart did beat for the same person.

"Cass, Cassiopeia"

With a pat on my shoulder, I was pulled back to reality.


"Mr. Terus here is really impressed with your work and he would like to buy one of it." The glee in Nile voice was so obvious that my heart started to beat faster with happiness.

"H-Hello" I held my hand out for a handshake.

"Your works are amazing Ms.Pallen" A warm soothing voice echoed in my ears. He seem to be not younger than thirty.

"Thank you, sir." Arghhh, why couldn't I come up with a better word than this.

"Called me Sergio" The man spoke softly. "I'd like to buy that paint of yours"

"Which one?"

"Out of the blue"

I could felt a big hole dig in my heart. I knew artists shouldn't have their favourite painting just like mother shouldn't favor any child more than the others, but I couldn't help it. Out of the blue was the painting that represented Nile and me's first meeting. I knew it would be great to be able to sell my work and get ome money in return but I wasn't ready to let this one go.


"This one isn't on sale?" Sergio questioned.

"It is. It's just mean a lot to me that's all." I tried to smile but I failed. I needed to make a decision now. Sell it now or never.

Just when I was about to give him a deal. Sergio interrupted.

"I understand. I'm the artist myself too, well kind of actually, I'm a potter." A hand pressed lightly on my arm. It didn't have the sparkling feeling so I supposed it belonged to Sergio. " I know what's it like to let go of your masterpiece."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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