6: Cookies 'n Cream for sure!

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Cassiopeia's Pov

I had absolutely no idea how on earth I ended up here, wrapping my hand around the soft one of little boy, who now calmer and willingly told us his name, Gabby.

He sure had the blandest hand I'd ever held except those of Clay's when he was a young infant, so I really didn't mind having his hand in mine at all.

His palm sweat as I could imagine how frightened he was, having no sign of him moma. I drawed a little circle on the back of his hand by my thumb in attempt to calm him down.

I couldn't sense any heat of human form on the another side of me that wasn't occupied by Gabby so I assumed Nile was on the another side of Gabby, like we're making Gabby a meat in the middle of sandwich.

Wait, did I just refer three of us as Sandwich?

I seriosuly need to eat more than a cup of yoghurt as breakfast seeing as I'd just thinking poor Gabby as meat.

But it was completely not my false that all I'd eaten was that.

It was Cece.

I called her last night and filled her in with every details of what happened yesterday in the art room. She's always been a good listener but everything had exception. She shrieked after every two lines were brought up and she fired ton of questions after I finished.

Anyways, I asked her what should I do. And being hopeless romantic girl as she was, she screamed an ear piercing voice, GO! but it took her half an hour to talk me to go because I couldn't see where this would lead to. If I was like an ordinary girl, this could be like a date. I would be spending hours choosing the clothes that would make me look pretty. But I wasn't and would never be. This would lead to nothing but more pathetic feeling I'd felt for year and hat was the last thing on earth I wanted.

Stepping in gallery was one thing but picked up the brush was another.

So when I woke up this morning, I decided to pretend that I woke up late and didn't make it in time but there's a reason why Cece was my best friend, she knew me too well. She showed up in my kitchen where I was having the yummy yoghurt which was supposed to be followed by its fellows, beacon and toast! Without any mercy to my poor tummy, she dragged me out of the house and kicked me to the park.

Though, I might had to thank her later.

'Cass, hey, Cassiopeia'

'Huh? Why did you use my full name?'

I asked absentmindedly and squeezed Gabby's hand a little just to make sure that Nile didn't freak out because I lost Gabby.


'I want ice-cream' A little voice chimed in as his hand jerked mine eagerly.

'Oh sure' I smiled gently at Gabby. 'Um, but I'm not sure whether there's an ice-cream booth here..'

'That's why I rudely interrupted your me time, beautiful. We finally arrived at the booth and we've been asking you which flavor you want for...um..how long Gabby?' I was sure Nile was smiling slyly as he feigned to be forgetful.

'Five hundred and thirty nine times!'

Gabby answered exaggeratedly and I heard them doing a high five. Seriously? High five? They seem to enjoy teasing me and , strangely as it could be, I didn't find myself bother at all.

'Well, I'd love cookie 'n cream, if the Romeo here's willing to pay.' I said playfully before I felt the urge to bite my tongue. Darn,Cass,Darn I was being too comfortable here and in result, my mouth was ahead of my head. I wasn't a feminist but I was not into the guy-pay thing. 'Sorry, just kidding. Um, forg..'

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