Not an update;(;(

107 11 27

Hi my sweet readers:):)

You have no idea how sorry I am for not being active lately:(
It's not just because I'm busy (lots of school activity) and it's also because I am considering to join something.

It's like watty I guess. It's held by publisher in Thailand and thousand of teenagers joined it. I know a chance of me winning this is almost zero but I just want to try;)

I'd post the story in wattpad IF it's not in Thai language:(:( I want to share this story to you all but it's not in English.:( and I'm afraid no one is going to read it lol

And that leads to another problem.

Writing in Thai is quite different from writing in English. I have to spend some times reading another style of novel that's why I have so little chance to active in wattpad recently.

I know it sound stupid.

But I promise to return after the competition is done.

I might put this book on hold for a while:(:( but if you want me to update please comment and I'll try my best to update this:):)

For those of you who enter watty...I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST LUCK:):)
You are all my great writers! And I know you will nail it-!:D

See ya guys:):):)

If there's any emergency, please pm me;);) I will run to you:)

Thank you so much for sticking with me:) Your support forever and always mean a lot to me. I love you all:):):)

Have the loveliest night, the brightest day and wonderful writing!!!

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